It’s Party Time For … Tea Partiers



Picture “a swanky Washington hotel,” a pulsating techno beat filling the barroom lobby, and country singer LeAnn Rimes for the main event, which is packed with lobbyists and costs $2,500 to enter. Drum roll. You’ve arrived at the fancy fundraiser for the 2011 freshman class of Republicans.


“The new class of Republican lawmakers who charged into office promising to shun the ways of Washington officially arrives on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. ?But even as they publicly bash the capital’s culture, many have quietly begun to embrace it.

“Several freshmen have hired lobbyists — the ultimate Washington insiders — to lead their congressional staffs. In the weeks leading up to Wednesday’s swearing-in, dozens of the newcomers joined other lawmakers in turning to lobbyists for campaign cash. And on Wednesday, congressional offices will be packed with lawmakers’ relatives, friends, constituents and lobbyists, all invited to celebrate the new Congress.”

“This picture of business-as-usual Washington clashes with the campaign rhetoric of many newcomers, some who were propelled by support from the anti-Washington ‘tea party’ movement. It also muddles the image House Republicans hoped to project as they took the helm this week.”

Think of yourself as their servant, your nose pressed against your master’s mansion windows.

5 thoughts on “It’s Party Time For … Tea Partiers

  1. johnthomas

    This picture of business-as-usual Washington clashes with the campaign rhetoric of many newcomers, some who were propelled by support from the anti-Washington ‘tea party’ movement. It also muddles the image House Republicans hoped to project as they took the helm this week
    It is very nice and enjoyable.

  2. Stephen Bernier

    Now there is a surprise. New politicians reaching for money to put into the hip pocket. Mitch McConnell and Trent Lott said that the incoming “republicans” had to be co-opted. I guess it went quicker than anyone anticipated. I shake my head is disgust

  3. Whoopdy Do

    I dunno, the LA Times is part of the left-wing propaganda machine, I wouldn’t put it past them to drum up a mountain out of a molehill. One inaugural party isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, and I want the home folks to go to remind the newcomers how they got there and what they’re there for. Let’s see what they do in office before we turn away.

  4. DAve

    LeeAnn Rimes is a very disturbing choice for conservative values audience

  5. Myron Pauli

    ILANA: “Think of yourself as their servant, your nose pressed against your master’s mansion windows.”

    This is EXACTLY how Orwell’s brilliant Animal Farm ends – with the lower barnyard animals watching (at the window) the Republican “Men” and Democratic “Pigs” (or vice versa) squabbling over the booty as the book ends …

    ” The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

    Regardless of the outcome – we will still have a Global Empire wasting away money and troops, a big deficit, tons of new regulations, and Goldman Sachs and the lobbyists will get their infinite inflationary bailouts.

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