UPDATE III: Jew Bears Christian Witness to Ethnic Cleansing



The following is from “Jew Bears Christian Witness to Ethnic Cleansing,” my new WND.COM column:

“… America’s solipsistic opinion formers and television program-makers do not provide any serious, ongoing analysis of what’s afoot in the ‘new’ South Africa. …
Indeed, the ethnic cleansing of the Afrikaner has failed to cloud pinched horizons in America.

Perhaps it takes a Jew to bear Christian Witness.

As Adriana Stuijt reports, a ‘pro-Boer Israeli human rights activist’ by the name of Avigdor Eskin visited South Africa on a fact-finding tour in October. Mr. Eskin has,

kicked off the Christian New Year by demonstrating in Jerusalem on Sunday against the ANC-regime’s ‘silent genocide’ of the … Afrikaner-Boers in South Africa. He said the Boers have ‘for the past 100 years always been the friends of the Jewish people. We must support and help them in their present plight. What is happening in South Africa cannot be tolerated and we will not remain silent.’

Bravo. Mr. Eskin is living up to the standards of great Israelis past. The Jewish State was perhaps the only friend the old South Africa had. Theirs was a firm relationship forged in the fires of international excoriation and excommunication.

Against the decree of the United States, Israel’s Labor and Likud governments chose barter over boycotts.”…

The complete column is “Jew Bears Christian Witness to Ethnic Cleansing,” now on WND.COM.

My libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society, is now available on Kindle.

UPDATE I (Jan. 7): In answer to the reader below. The Afrikaners are a nation. The English of South Africa are not a “tribe” (i.e., a nation) in any meaningful sense. Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, was pretty perceptive when he recently acknowledged, moreover, that only the Afrikaners are true Africans. The English have always held onto that British passport.

UPDATE II: “Invictus,” the grandiose title of a Clint Eastwood idealized film about South Africa, is not the right source of information about that country (for heaven’s sake!). Our reader thinks of Mandela as a cuddly democrat and a Christian! News to me. Need I remind you that Hollywood does not edify and is seldom a good source for reliable data?

My book is, but it’s not yet out. Patience.


‘Kill The Fucking Whites’ On Facebook
“War On White South Africa”

UPDATE III: The closest you’ll come to the “truth” about SA in mainstream media: “I only know that my daughter—a world traveler—says South Africa is the scariest place she’s ever been,” writes David Thomson for the The New Republic. Why so scary? He doesn’t say.

9 thoughts on “UPDATE III: Jew Bears Christian Witness to Ethnic Cleansing

  1. Daniel Perez

    As a Christian (non Jewish) friend and supporter of Israel, I am interested in your comments. I have often read that Nelson Mandela became a Christian (did he become one after being communist…?) Having seen InVictus, one would think that his way of leading was not undemocratically inclined. Was this ‘communism’- or trying to make everyone feel equal – a push towards democracy that failed? I know that there is ethnic cleansing going on (an acquaintance of mine left SA because of it), and I don’t condone it at all. However, I didn’t condone apartheid either, they did their fair of share abuse.

  2. viking archer

    You refer to the Boer as, “The White Tribe of Africa.” This is slightly incorrect. There are two, not one, white tribe of Africa. The other are the English.

    [See comment in blog post.]

  3. Scott

    In the US of A, I was watching Fox News and Dick Morris, who is Jewish made the following comment to Alan Colmes who also is Jewish, “Evangelical Christians are more supportive of Jews and Israel than American Jews.”

    I stared thinking about this and realized that this comment is not far off the mark.

  4. Myron Pauli

    Well, one can envision what happens if Israel and the territories, coupled with Palestinian “refugees” (self-defined) turn into some sort of unitary state of Greater Palestine. It won’t be pretty. Of course, this is the dream of all the campus leftists in America and Europe (none of whom would ever wind up living in Greater Palestine any more than they would survive in Soweto).

  5. Scott

    I appreciate your articles, especially on South Africa. Most people don’t realize that demography equals destiny. California will forevermore be a socialist dysfunctional quasi third world state because politicians allowed it to become majority Third World. The social Marxists would have the world become that way. Why is the immigration of non-whites to majority-white countries the only kind of immigration encouraged by the political elite? There are many types of genocide.

  6. Frank Brady

    The abject failure of the U.S. media to inform the American people of the hideous catastrophe being played out in South Africa today is an outrage. Racist violence is being visited upon this land and what was once among the most prosperous nations of Africa (or any other continent is rapidly sliding into moral and economic bankruptcy. The spectacle is as sickening as it is unnecessary.

  7. Anonymous

    When South Africa was covered by the media during the Aparthied years, two things come to mind 1) Lots of hammer and sicle flags in the background and 2) that the infamous neckless would free the “South Africans”. Although I had not studied much about South Africa these words and symbols used by the ANC told be quite a bit about this sordid group that would later come to power.

  8. Jack Braxton

    I am n South African living in S A. Everybody knows about the killing of Afrikaner Boers on a regular basis but it seems that every one accepts it as the norm and all the actions of the anc youth are ascribed to normal criminality.This is not true.a Slow genocide is in progress and it seems that we as Afrikaners are so marginalized that we accept all that’s happening and those who can afford are leaving the country.I would leave too but at my age it’s not possible.We believe that the world will help us.That is only a dream.It did not happen in the rest of Africa,why here.
    Pray for us but that will not be enough,we need action NOW!

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