Keeping The Competition OUT

EU,Free Markets,Internet,Regulation,Socialism,Taxation,Technology,The State


Under the guise of upholding a fair and free-market order, uncompetitive companies, given the option, will petition centrist establishments to regulate the market. This kneecaps the competition and ensures the lobbyists retain ‘market share’ without having to compete for it. This is what ETNO is doing.

“The ETNO,” informs RT, “is made up of telecommunication companies including Swisscom and Spain’s Telefonica that are well-established in nearly three dozen European countries.” The ETNO’s Executive Board, which is a European-based lobby group, “has asked the United Nations to tax American websites that provide services abroad.”

In December, the leak reveals, the European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (ETNO) approached the United Nations with a proposal that would outline a restructuring of the Internet’s business model when taking into account Web entities with an international presence. If approved, the legislation would tax American-based content providers — such as Apple, Google and Netflix — for offering services to customers overseas. Should they get their wish, the ETNO might soon usher in some serious revisions for the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITR), a legislation that deals with cross-border communications traffic that has remained untouched since its last revision in 1988.


5 thoughts on “Keeping The Competition OUT

  1. james huggins

    The United Nations. What a farce. Why in the pluperfect hell do the people running this country allow the UN to have anything to say about our internal affairs. They want to tax us, disarm us, control our access to the very oceans of the world and God knows what else. The UN has proven time and again that they are no friends of ours nor of Israel either. Of course we are not the friend of Israel like we were, but I digress. The UN. Horse hockey. A bunch of third world yutzes who cant even run their own countries trying to tell us how to run ours. Their solution to everything is for us to give them money for things like man made global warming that causes their countries to be poor. It seems to me most of the nations in the General Assembly were fly blown rat holes long before our academic elites dreamed up the fantasy of man made global warming. Who’s kidding who here? Most of this “tax” money will end up in the
    Swiss bank accounts of generals and other strong man politicians in these third world rat holes while their people will still be sleeping on dirt floors and drinking water from road side ditches. Jeez, have Americans become stupid all the time?

  2. james huggins

    One last thought. Get the US out of the UN and get the UN out of the US. Let them go to Lagos or Damascus or some such where they belong.

  3. adav84

    when was the last time anyone here read a book by a British author or watched a movie by a French director?

    American pop culture’s appeal? Market forces? Who believes that will believe anything.

    >Under the guise of upholding a fair and
    >free-market order, uncompetitive
    >companies, given the option, will
    >petition centrist establishments to
    >regulate the market.

    doing the right thing for the wrong reason. they should do it to hold back Amrican cultural and economic hegemonism, instead, as a compensation for the fact that the American market has been made artificially impermeable to them.

  4. adav84

    I don’t see why none of the 25 nations of the EU couldn’t have made anything the likes of Amazon or Ebay. Especially the big ones, like Britain or Germany.Yet there is nothing. From that I follow there is something American free market apologists don’t tell us.

  5. Sean

    Fair and free-marketorder would mean those Europeans’ businesses being eliminated. No one is in favour of competition when they think it is a competition they can’t win.

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