JF Kennedy the Realist



“And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient ‘that we are only 6 percent of the world’s population’ that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind — that we cannot right every wrong or reverse every adversity — and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”

— John F. Kennedy, U.S. President

Contrast these words with Dubya’s latest word salad at a press conference. “Democracy a la Dubya” will help put the finishing touches to the portrait of a fanatic. As will “What a Moronic Presidential Press Conference.”

One thought on “JF Kennedy the Realist

  1. Boomer

    I have to agree with the main points of the article, “What a Moronic Presidential Press Conference.” G.W. Bush has been getting away with these “moronic” one liner policy statements for years. He drags them out at press conferences and in speeches and is rarely challenged, especially by the right. One that particularly bothers me is this one: “Don’t expect that Iraq’s Democracy will look like ours.” This too is moronic, especially coming from the leader of America, the nation whose founders specifically rejected the pure “democracy” form of government. Instead, our founders believed God gives inalienable rights to man and it is our governments’ role to ensure that these rights are protected for all the people. We have a constitutional republic, not a democracy. American’s should be quite upset that the president so willingly spends American blood and hundreds of billions of dollars to supervise the creation of a democracy– a democracy based on a book such as the Koran. We should be ashamed that American leadership thinks so little of our own type of government that it creates a version of it in Iraq that will never succeed. We have freedom of religion in America because the government cannot dictate that the citizens will worship in only one way, yet we allow our government to fight a war so that Iraqi’s can base its entire “democracy” on sharia law. It will not work, and as “What a Moronic Presidential Press Conference” pointed out very sucinctly, Bush doesn’t understand this, and has no strategy in Iraq. Pardon my too many words, but it is also moronic for a nation who fought WWII in two theaters in just under 4 years to listen to a president constantly tell them that the war on terror will last for a long long long time. I say, yes sir, that makes sense to me, especially when you have no strategy for victory other than succeeding with a ridiculous attempt at remaking the Islamic world with “democracy.” There is no strategy visible to Americans to the war on terror other than the same one liberals use to validate evolution… which is, given enough time, anything is possible.

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