Kerry & His EU La Familia Know Nothing About Bonds Between Peoples

America,Britain,EU,Europe,Foreign Policy,History,Paleolibertarianism,The State


Other than suggesting that “Brexit might not happen,” man of the people John Kerry said something more subtly statist after Brexit:

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry vouched for the bond between the UK and the US by alluded to treaties signed by Power, not by The People. For his mandarin mambo-jumbo, Kerry, no doubt, would have been eviscerated by UK’s Independence Party Nigel Farage.

To the extent that the Anglo-American people share a bond—it’s not because Bush, Blair, Obama and the outgoing U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron ratified agreements we’ve never read. It’s because of a common ancestry, folkways, history, language, literature.

America as it was founded was a rib from the British ribcage. Kerry and his EU La Familia know nothing about bonds and a lack thereof between peoples of different nations.