Wasn’t Spiked editor Brendan O’Neill once an open-borders advocate (oh yes), himself someone to weaponize the topic of immigration against anyone on the hard-Right?
Now he’s suddenly warning, as the hard-Right has been doing forever, that elites are weaponizing immigration against host populations.
Wasn’t Brendan one of those “open minds, open borders” sloganeers, ever so enamored with his own open mind?
Indeed, “Let them in,” O’Neill once admonished. Don’t “infantilise African migrants. … welcome them.”
Late to the party, as left-libertarians always are, O’Neill has discovered that immigration, too, is a state program, one used to subdue the host population. What do you know? Being on the left (in a manner) means you never have to say you’re sorry.
Brendan O’Neill on how the EU elites have weaponised immigration: pic.twitter.com/1ednPnLJbX
— spiked (@spikedonline) June 29, 2018
Dah. Wasn't #BrendanONeill once an open-borders type, himself someone to weaponize immigration against the Right? https://t.co/8RCJF6OOO8 https://t.co/Y5N290IHA5 https://t.co/8RCJF6OOO8
— Ilana Mercer (@IlanaMercer) July 7, 2018
UPDATE (7/9):
Michael Medved and David Rubin (the one neoconish; the other left-libertarian) were going back-and-forth on The Medved Show about immigration. At bottom, both are liberal apologists with a veneer of establishment conservatism. “Bring ’em out of the shadows, path to citizenship,” blah, blah.