Letter of the Week: Murderous Condescension By Prof. Dennis O'Keeffe



I just read your fine and frightening piece on South Africa. The following may not be original, but it needs saying again. No one is more racist and condescending than white socialist intellectuals, strangely called “liberals” in the United States, perhaps because they are so liberal with other people’s money. White conservatives sometimes dislike black people and Asians, though this is a less and less common thing among young conservatives. Such dislike even when it occurs does not work in conjunction with hatred and a desire to hurt people. Socialist intellectuals, of the kind who in Britain control most Broadcasting—and many university departments across a whole range of disciplines—regard black people as virtually subhuman, without souls or conscience or any moral sensibilities. In Britain, Apartheid South Africa was never out of the news. Today the horrors of South Africa never hit the headlines. The point is that the white intelligentsia care only about offences committed by white people. They are seen as the only ones capable of autonomous immorality.

This kind of reasoning explains why Nazism is taken by so many Western thinkers as the surest standard of evil. It is because an unambiguously and self-consciously white race performed the Nazi horrors. The crimes of Communism, in which the numbers murdered were far greater, are dismissed because they were carried out by the semi-Asiatic Russians or by the unambiguously Asiatic and comic Chinese.

Until the world learns to impose the same moral requirements at all people’s doors, regardless of their various racial compositions, we will never get out of this habit of murderous condescension.


2 thoughts on “Letter of the Week: Murderous Condescension By Prof. Dennis O'Keeffe

  1. james huggins

    Well said Mr. O’Keeffe. You have hit on obvious truths that aren’t obvious to the average observer. I have been making the same points for years, usually to deaf ears. However, I have always been baffled by the reasoning behind this attitude of racial and moral superiority arbitrarily assigned to non-whites and the basest of racial attitudes exclusively reserved for whites. I have also been at a loss to explain the hang-dog perpetual guilt accepted by whites, which has just about reached the point that our societies can’t function. I have come to think that whites are like the lemmings. We have reached the upper limit of our struggle for affluence and comfort and have lost the inner drive for dominance that allowed Anglo-Saxons to conquer the world. Now we are surrounded by millions of hungry, aggresive third world types, and we don’t have what it takes to respond to their aggression. Therefore we are just going to march in lockstep over the social cliff and let the world descend into another dark age. In short, whites are gutless and outnumbered. A bad combination.

  2. Stephen w. Browne

    Well said indeed, though I believe there is more to be said on the subject. I too have long wondered why the Nazis are held as the ultimate paradigm of evil, while the mass murders of the Soviets, Red Chinese, Islamists (among others) are ignored and the crimes of the West are magnified out of proportion.

    I’ll deal with this more fully in future blog posts, but at bottom it may be as simple as this; the Nazis are defeated, dead and marginalized. The Soviets were and the Islamists are, a terrifying reality in the present.

    The haters of the West, America and Israel are criticizing only those who tolerate it – they have nothing to say about those who will kill you for it.


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