Letters from the Racist Liberal Left

Barely A Blog,Ethics,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Racism


It’s natural to be more inclined to critique the current political guard and its unquestioning supporters. Since we labor under a terribly corrupt Republican administration, one tends to forget what members of the “egalitarian” left are like. I’ll continue to post reminders of the sweep of their prejudice as I get them.–ILANA

From: sshaun002@sympatico.ca [mailto:sshaun002@sympatico.ca]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:16 PM
To: ilana@ilanamercer.com

Hello Mrs. Mercer,

In your world, big business should go unregulated…the American South was not as racist as Hollywood portrays it, gays should be concerned about privacy issues rather than being accepted by society, technically proficient music is better than music that sounds good; white men are an oppressed minority.

You’re married to a White man. You’ve had to modify your position to make it palatable to your own existence….You would do well in the new White Nationalist movements if only you could be White (perhaps you can pass as one now with your new surname?).
