Updated: 'M' Is For Moratorium (& Moron)



Any policy maker not a moron or a traitor will know what to do with respect to immigration, at a time of record unemployment among Americans. Since our representatives are almost all morons and certainly no patriots, the reality is that “Legal Immigration has Increased (YES—INCREASED!) During The Recession”:

“Any sane policy would reduce immigration as American unemployment rises. But Washington is not doing it. In the post-Crash year of 2009, the U.S. issued 1,130,818 green cards—an increase, from 1,107,126 in 2008 and 1,052,415 in 2007. In contrast, during the Great Depression from 1930-1939, we issued only 699,375 during the entire decade.

The 2009 total is the fourth highest number of green cards issued since 1914—behind 1990, 1991, and 2006. (And it is worth noting the bulk of the green cards issued in 1990 and 1991 were not given to new legal immigrants but to illegal aliens granted amnesty in 1986—so in terms of new arrivals, 2009 was actually higher.)

But most immigrant workers only create economic growth in so far as they lower labor costs for employers, possibly causing them to further invest. This effect is always much smaller than the jobs and wages immigrants take from Americans, to say nothing of the government services spent on them. However, with our record unemployment, even these marginal economic benefits disappear.

And in 2009, as always, most of the legal immigrants are low-skilled. Immigrants of exceptional ability, with advanced degrees, or investors make up a measly 8% of all immigrants combined. No doubt this has much to do with the system’s ongoing bias toward Third World immigrants through its ‘family reunification’ mechanism. Only 9.3% of all new green cards went to Europeans. In contrast, 14.6% went to Mexicans alone.

The obvious solution: a moratorium on immigration. …”


To dilate on the last point about exceptional-abilities visas, read my VDARE article, “Why Aren’t The H1-B Hogs Satisfied With The O-1 “Extraordinary Ability” Visa? Oh, Wait A Minute…”

Update (April 22): Vrye Denker’s point is well taken. Refugee status or some other compassion-based visa should apply to all ethnic white South Africans. Farmers are certainly needed here. Farm workers too. However, US immigration policies—the family unification aspect—privilege Third-World “minorities.”

5 thoughts on “Updated: 'M' Is For Moratorium (& Moron)

  1. Myron Pauli

    Rather ironic that the LEFT favors an immigration policy that pushes wages down. Then the pro-business RIGHT which claims to “believe in market forces” wants to add immigrants to artificially provide cheap labor. While science and engineering is a good way for Third Worlders to advance into the US – it is a very very difficult academic course for Americans who can earn oodles more taking easier stuff like “business” or “law”. I know top scientists whose kids are starting out from law school with more money than they (the scientists) earn with 40 years experience.

    On the other hand, I would venture to say that many in my profession would consider that Dorismar (from Argentina) had some “extraordinary ability” – admittedly, in the eye of the beholder!

    The one public works project that would really be constitutional would be to construct an effective border wall – but the politicians do not want one
    even if it would pay for itself in reduced migration.

  2. Vrye Denker

    If I may, with your country’s stringent legal immigration policies, wouldn’t it mean that just those people who would create jobs would enter? I mean, poor old me definitely wouldn’t make it (I’ve tried), but surely if someone succeeded in getting in, it means they are extraordinary or are planning on creating some sort of business?

    [Your point is well taken. Refugee status or some other compassion-based visa should apply to all ethnic white South Africans. Farmers are certainly needed here. US immigration privileges Third-World “minorities.”]

  3. james huggins

    Who’s kidding who here? Pols want to flood the country with an un-educated, un-American voting block who will vote enmass and be willing fodder for the the feeding of Union bosses. Many business owners can see no farther than their next months sales reports and see a hard working, willing work force. These people are riding the Tiger. This particular Tiger has no identification with the United States. As soon as their numbers become swollen with legitimized aliens they will take over those unions, those businesses and those states who so covet their numbers now. They all come from third-world rat holes and won’t be satisified until they turn the USA into another third world rat hole. And we are going to help them do it.

  4. Derek

    Speaking of a wall, I find it hypocritical that the big government types, both democrat and republican, suggests we shouldn’t build it because it won’t eliminate illegal immigration. In other words, since it won’t be 100% effective, it would be a waste of government resources to build. Yet if a welfare policy is only deemed 45% effective, it is supported and funding is probably increased.

  5. George Pal

    Britain’s Labour Party, in a fit of epic hubris, admitted their immigration policy reflected a desire to radically changing Britain and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”.

    However many morons – Bush, McCain exemplars both – there are on the putative ‘Right’ they are outnumbered by the earnestly treasonous wankers on the Left.

    I might hope the old dynamic ‘hubris-nemesis’ remained in effect but I’m resigned to ‘nemesis’ as a thing outmoded.

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