UPDATED: ‘MAD’ MEL (What’s Worse?)

Addiction,Celebrity,Conservatism,Hollywood,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Morality,Psychiatry


“The South Park depiction of Mel Gibson bouncing off walls he had freshly ‘coated’ in bodily waste is not far off,” I wrote of Gibson’s previous peccadilloes.

It usually falls to liberals to fend for A-list reprobates. Left to Barbara Walters, Paris Hilton’s porn debut, in which she made narcissistic love to the camera, (i.e. herself) was elevated to a PG-rated tale of innocence betrayed. Conservatives, usually attuned to the coarsening culture, and fierce about defending cops, are airbrushing Mel Gibson in the same way (although, unlike Paris, he doesn’t need makeup).
Mel’s many conservative fans have downplayed his vulgar public conduct. He cussed cops who were being decent to him, threatened to ruin them, Russell Crowed a phone, and generally behaved like a hog high on his own power.

The latest Gibson indiscretion is covered well by Larry Auster (whose take comports with mine in “Mel’s ‘Malady,’ Foxman’s Fetish”. Or perhpas I’m biased because LA just echoes my thoughts (minus the aspect on the medicalization of misbehavior)?

Either way, we both have Gibson pegged. Over to Larry’s “Gibson And Conservatives”:

What a ridiculous culture we live in—and that includes the mainstream conservatives. Mel Gibson in a drunken rant that was surreptitiously recorded said a pile of extremely offensive things to his ex-mistress. But because in the midst of this geyser of verbal abuse, he used the word “nigger” once, his rant is constantly billed—by conservatives—as a “racist rant,” even though the rant overall had nothing to do with race. When it comes to race, meaning, when it comes to blacks, the mainstream conservatives are precious little Victorian ladies, ready to faint dead away at the sound of the “N” word, even when uttered in a private conversation by a man who was obviously drunk.

As for Gibson, I’ve been saying for 15 years, based on his movies, based on his appalling demeanor in TV interviews, that the man was not a conservative but a messy product of our debased contemporary culture, a point I particularly emphasized in VFR’s huge debate about his movie The Passion. Conservatives, especially paleocons, couldn’t see this about Gibson, because his Catholicism and his seven children with one wife designated him automatically as a traditionalist conservative in their minds. They didn’t see the non-conservative qualities and attitudes he was actually expressing in the public realm …

UPDATE (July 14): Even more obscene than the preoccupation with Mel and Oksana’s icky audio is the orgy that will follow the announcement of the impending engagement of the two stupidest people in Alaska. I give the marraige of twiddledumb and twiddledumber, if indeed it gets past this stage, six months. I wish them well, of course.

I agree with Gibson on the following. This Oksana Grigorieva is distinctly dumb. Any woman that looks, naturally, as pretty as she did here, yet goes and modifies herself to look like a slightly improved version of the Octamom, is a devastatingly dumb bimbo.

9 thoughts on “UPDATED: ‘MAD’ MEL (What’s Worse?)

  1. Robert Glisson

    One must always remember that the first Liberals/Progressives were the Republicans. It was they that punished the South for slavery. It was them that insisted on integration in both the North and South; opposing independents like Booker T. Washington. It was only that Johnson did an glory style end run around and through the Republicans in Congress that made the Civil Rights Law a Democrat victory. If Nixon had won, it would have been the Republican’s crowing.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Until we were rescued by Monica Lewinsky, all us Navy employees were subjected to mandatory day-long North Korean style “sex harrassment seminars” because of the behavior of inebriated pilots in a Las Vegas hotel. (the same drunks also felt up MEN!). Now it is back to Mel.

    Do some of the Foxmen of the world understand the affects of ALCOHOL on people? Why should one take drunken rant # 82 from person XX any more or less seriously than drunken rant # 447 from person YY? These people are stewed and need to sober up – nothing less and nothing more.

  3. EN

    I must be a genius. I’ve been predicting Gibson’s meltdown for years. Or maybe I’m not a genius, just a guy who’s seen drunks meltdown for many years. It never occurred to me that Mel’s politics could, should or would save him from his fate.

  4. Mike Marks

    I can remember thinking after the movie “The Passion” that something like this was bound to happen. I didn’t have any real evidence but, just an awful gut feeling.

  5. George Pal

    The alchemists dream – turning the base into the precious.

    It’s a wonder that anyone should have seen Gibson as anything but the folly of celebrity as ‘authority’ or ‘exemplar’. It’s not that I mind heroes, authorities, or exemplars, it’s just that I prefer the methodology of the Catholic Church in all things beatific and saintly – wait ‘til they’re dead and vetted.

  6. emarel

    Gibson’s language was coarse, but it was a private conversation, and I’ll condemn him when the William Morris Agency expels all the black rap “artists” who also use the word “nigger” in their pathological rants, or Charlie Sheen, who also used the word in a profanity-laced phone tirade directed at his ex-wife. As James Edwards argues, Gibson is in the cross hairs of Hollywood Jewry due solely because of his film “The Passion of the Christ”. They’ve passionately hated him ever since.

  7. Jamie

    I think the lesson to be learned here is obvious. If you are a celebrity having relationship problems with the opportunistic gold-digger you’ve hooked up with, it’s best to avoid talking on the phone.

    Mel obviously has serious problems. But Oksana has pretty much ensured she’ll never land another A-Lister with this move. This may have been the case anyway; she is getting older and perhaps feels she can’t compete with the 24 year-olds anymore. Despite all her efforts, she has not succeeded in becoming famous in her own right. This seems like a desperate, last ditch attempt to achieve that. Maybe she’ll get a reality show out of it.

  8. Van Wijk

    I give the marriage of twiddledumb and twiddledumber, if indeed it gets past this stage, six months. I wish them well, of course.

    My sentiments exactly. No doubt “conservatives” will celebrate this union, but the end result will be one last insult from a fundamentally non-conservative family. Drunken fornication and out-of-wedlock pregnancy weren’t enough; a divorce is needed to obtain the hat trick.

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