McCain’s Cinco de Mayo Promises

Elections 2008,IMMIGRATION,John McCain,Media


The motto at Fox News is “my party right or wrong.” Duly, Sean Hannity has been using his considerable clout to convince his viewers that McCain is a changed man on immigration.

Time and time again, Mr. Hannity has chosen not to challenge McCain when the latter kept insisting during interviews that the reason his amnesty betrayal had failed was “because voters didn’t trust the government to handle the security side,” and that the border needed to be secured before perusing “comprehensive immigration reform.”

The Manchurian Candidate has never ceased to use this code for amnesty.

Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times reports on McCain’s latest pandering:

“Using a Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo, as a launching point, Mr. McCain’s presidential campaign announced a Spanish-language Web site ( espanol), and said the senator from Arizona will speak to this year’s National Council of La Raza convention in San Diego in July to try to court Hispanic voters.

‘I believe the majority of the Hispanics share our view that the border must be secured, and the border must be secured first. But they also want us to have an attitude, which I think most Americans do, that these are God’s children, and they must be taken care of, and the issue must be addressed in a humane and compassionate fashion,’ Mr. McCain told reporters at an Arizona news conference yesterday.”

In Defense Of The Fence” I suggested that:

“McCain … consider modifying his mantra about illegal aliens being God’s children to whom he owes a path to citizenship. This is not about the Arizonan’s relationship with God and His creatures; it’s about McCain’s relationship with the Constitution. The Constitution binds a president to uphold the law; it doesn’t authorize him to legislate compassion.”

2 thoughts on “McCain’s Cinco de Mayo Promises

  1. Phineas Worthington

    If McCain were a real, Constitutional Senator, he would be beholden to the state government of Arizona. Instead, he is beholden to the majority. And of course, the best paying pressure groups.

  2. Alexander Sazonov

    Well, what can I add?
    Just another typical political harlot, who would sell his own mother for a dollar, if it meant advancement in his career. As for the whole illegal immigration issue, it is quite obvious that the Democrats want the votes and the Republicans want the cheap labour of these Mexican campesinos.

    There is one thing though, that I can’t quite comprehend;
    Americans of working and middle class background, constantly scream about how the greedy commercial elite is importing third world aliens, because they are more profitable to its businesses . They claim that these people are not patriotic Americans, and that they are willing to turn this former Great Republic into a third world jungle, if it means increased revenues. While that certainly is a veritable truth, the question arises; whose fault is it to begin with? I mean if the American people were really that concerned with preserving the country’s White Anglo/European/Western heritage, they would be willing to work for MUCH LOWER WAGES to achieve that goal. After all, the only reason that industrial & service companies hire illegal aliens is because American workers have become so unbelievably FAT and SPOILED that it is no longer profitable to employ them. Of course it goes without saying that this is also the cause behind so called “outsourcing”. No sane entrepreneur would pay 10-15 $ an hour, to some white textile factory worker in Missouri, when the same labour could be bought from a Latin American teenager for 70-80 cents.

    While it is true that from a constitutional point of view, the political, and to some extent also the business establishment, behave in a slightly treacherous way, the average blue-collar guy on the street who yells at them is in reality no better.

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