UPDATED: McMussolini Vs. Marshmallow Man (Man Reads McCain His Rights)



In this clip, an intelligent, informed, Syrian American hammers “McMussolini,” exposing his ignorance and arrogance. The exchange shows the measure of the man. McCain’s reply to her amounts to platitudes. His message is clear: “It’s my way or the highway.”

Via Economic Policy Journal:

I like “marshmallow” man even better. Here you see him get in McCain’s face 1:58 minutes into the YouTube clip:

UPDATE (9/8): “The simple irony is that the domestic enemy now in this country is the government of the Unites States.”

Man reads McMussolini’s his rights. The sleeping giant has awakened.

Again, to all consistent and principled anti-war warriors, the specter of Americans rising against Uncle Sam’s bloody suzerainty is … wonderful.