UPDATE II: Megyn Kelly's Mesmerism

Barack Obama,Conspiracy,Healthcare,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Liberty,Media,Regulation


Dr. Adam Dorin, president of the Tea Party Doctors, was on with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to expose the American Medical Association (with its “white-coat representation at the White House”), for selling out America’s doctors to her statists.

Dr. Dorin made some invaluable points about healthscare, such as that the AMA represents at best 17 percent of practicing physicians; that it has an “exclusive [copyrighted] coding deal with the US government,” compelling all doctors to bill in a certain way; that most doctors do not favor this legislation, and that, by legislative fiat, ObamaCare “elevates non-physicians (those big fat, nurses and their assistants we all dread) and other auxiliary staff, to perform the role traditionally performed by physicians. The addition of 30 millions new free loaders, moreover, will necessitate the importation of Third World, non-American trained doctors.

Now Kelly is a sharp lady, head-and-shoulders above your regular Foxette (and isn’t that a gorgeous blue dress she is wearing? Classic.). But she disappointed this time, taking a sudden turn away from the fact-packed, rational discourse of Dorin, to impugn The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons which publishes his op-eds (they once published one or two of mine, as well).

Apparently the AAPS published a piece about Obama’s oratory—which certainly has a fuzzy, hypnotic quality—having induced in voters an hypnotic state. Jumping from that factual observation to the conclusion that Americans were more somnambulist than normal when they elected BHO is nonsensical. It was my impression, however, that Kelly was mocking the former observation rather than the latter conclusion.

Either way, if this article was of interest to Kelly, she ought to have devoted a seperate segment to it, rather than taint Dorin’s perfectly straightforward position by implying he kept dubious company. The Left is praising Kelly. They are wrong. Guilt by association is an error of logic when deployed to refute an argument.

The AAPS is an avowedly pro-liberty organization, whose representatives have appeared on Fox News. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the AAPS, has done an immense amount of good for free medicine in this country.

UPDATE I (Sept. 12): My plucky physician, who had recently gone solo, has just informed me she is giving up her independence to join a group. Managing the business side of the practice had become too daunting, and will become even more so as Obama-Care regulations kick in.

I anticipate notice, any day, from my insurance, informing us of “changes” pursuant to Obama Care. Once the insurance providers and the swarms of attorneys they employ go over the Bill, they are bound to find ways to shove the insured into the government health care gulag.

UPDATE II (Sept. 13): Dr. Orient has responded to Ms. Kelly, and provided a hyperlink at the AAPS to this Barely A Blog post.

5 thoughts on “UPDATE II: Megyn Kelly's Mesmerism

  1. Myron Pauli

    From the links, it appears that AAPS are a bunch of good guys in a sea of lobbyist whore “health care” organizations with their hands out. Nice to have a few medical people who care about freedom.

  2. Dan Maguire

    My primary care provider is a Physicians’ Assistant, and though he cannot call himself a dcotor, he’s the best doctor I ever had. I think we might have better and cheaper health care if non-MDs who were qualified to diagnose and treat routine ailments were allowed to do so on their own terms rather than the terms of the government and AMA.

  3. Justin

    Thank you, Ilana, for your insightful comments. Doctor Dorin has earnestly written and spoken about concerns he has with the PPACA (Obamacare) legislation. He likes the provisions that protect patients, but articulately describes those ways in which the legislation can be much, much better; and he describes how the AMA disregarded the will of most practicing American doctors and Americans in general. For Megyn Kelly to throw in some left-field online posting by someone that Doctor Dorin neither knows or knows anything about (and which is not endorsed or supported by him or the AAPS organization) is a sad waste of an opportunity Megyn could have used to really discuss the issues!! Doctor Dorin was impressive and Ilana makes very fair observations in critique of Ms. Kelly.

  4. Derek

    I did not like her animated whistle implying that anyone who would publish an article like the one in question must be nuts.

    Didn’t the NY Times win a Pulitzer for denial of the Holodomor? That’s crazy. I guess we should no longer consider the NY Times a serious paper.

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