Military Men Respect a Man of Peace

Foreign Policy,Liberty,Military,Ron Paul


I would not have known this had I not tuned to RT for my news: “Veterans for Ron Paul 2012 “marched from the Washington Monument to the White House in an effort to show their support for the presidential candidate, a veteran congressman from Texas. The Presidents’ Day march is meant to send the message that Ron Paul is the choice of the nation’s armed forces, said group founders Nathan Cox and Adam Kokesh on the Facebook event page.”

Bless these men and women (you’ll tear-up; I did).

5 thoughts on “Military Men Respect a Man of Peace

  1. Myron Pauli

    Some of the Pentagon flacks asked troops to not participate (yet they are ordered to stand as “props” for George Mission Accomplished Bush and Barack Hussein I-Killed-Bin-Laden Obama). Funny isn’t it that armchair warriors Obama, Clinton, Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich didn’t serve at all – yet veteran Ron Paul is the “hate America” candidate.

  2. Andy

    I originally held skepticism about Adam Kokesh and his agenda when he first showed up on the scene. He was hanging around with Code Pinkers and is generally of the left-libertarian bent on political issues. However, I have come to think he has a solid foundation in libertarian principles and has increased his understanding of them over the years. If I could have marched yesterday I would have.

    [I don’t know him, but organizing a march, of course, is not proof of moving away from the Left.]

  3. Robert Glisson

    This march of vets was conducted with honor, pride, courtesy. A moment of silence for every death, a moment of silence for every suicide (never spoken of elsewhere). In comparison, how many others have been just the opposite? I remember the public employees occupation of the Wisconsin capitol, the state Congressmen that ran to Illinois. I don’t know anything about Kokesh, or Code Pink; but I do know the difference between honor and rabble. If Kokesh does something later, I’ll deal with it then.

    [K strikes me as a fashionable lefty libertarian, but I could be wrong.]

  4. My RON-PAUL i


    The You-Tube video sounds like a great idea for a non-violent version of the Unabomber if you want to live in a shack and hunt rabbits in the wilderness, barter, and travel by foot … but the larger world is a world or war, hospitals, taxes, airplanes.

    The political process is, by definition, fighting the OINK SECTOR in order to take it over – but what alternative is there besides neo-cave dwelling???

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