Mitt’s Gone; Bill’s Back

Elections 2008,John McCain,Neoconservatism


“It doesn’t take much to sunder a debate about the Republican Party’s inconsequential core. The Rush Limbaugh-led insurrection against John McCain gave the fleeting impression that the movement was on the cusp of such a reckoning. No longer.
In close succession, Romney resigned, and McCain wowed the Conservative Political Action Conference. Behind the scenes, Bill Kristol practiced his curtain calls. Kristol is the uncrowned come-back kid—the attractive, affable neoconservative mastermind has backed McCain’s campaign for some time now. Philosophically, Kristol is the king of consistency. Neoconservative all the way. Like McCain. Just as it appeared the neocons were slowly being inched out, they’re back.
It’s proving well-nigh impossible to Kill Bill…”

Mitt’s Gone; Bill’s Back” is a particularly hot column, if I say so myself (No one else will; I’m sorry; these here lovely people have, in spades, and they’re worth more to me than mainstream media and publishing.) It was written in one sitting today, after listening to McCain’s CPAC speech. I made my deadline, just.

Feel free to disagree.