Updated: Obama’s Racial Ramrodding

Ann Coulter,Barack Obama,Democrats,Elections 2008,Race,Racism


Obama just can’t stop pounding on grandma. Today he told a radio show host that the woman who raised him with a great deal of love apparently was “a typical white woman.” Trust me, this was not a compliment. I can’t help thinking that Rev. Wright is not the only one to have coached Obama for over 20 years. Militant Mama Obama (as opposed grandma Obama), any one?

In any event, good luck finding the item on the Internet, although even Obama Boy Anderson Cooper covered it, but failed to post it. Send us a link if you get lucky.

Against the backdrop of Barack beating up on grandma yet again, my WND column is apropos. Frequenters of Barely a Blog will be very familiar with the themes:

“Richly revealing was the way Obama tarred his maternal (white) grandma with the taint of racism because she ‘once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street,’ among her other cardinal sins…”

“Obama gets away with conjecture—he saddles white America with black America’s woes. Grandma, however, has still not acquitted herself for expressing a visceral fear borne of the brutal reality of crime in this country…”

Read the complete WND column, “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding.”

Update (March 21): I occasionally check DIGG to see what they’re saying.
Incidentally, appended to last week’s column was a long comment in support of the Palestinian cause. It dealt with the issues (although his facts were problematic). The writer did not attack me for having a different (correct) perspective.
The missive may not have been very intelligent, but it is an example of how anyone who aspires to debate must proceed.
How different is this example from the addled orgy of idiocy directed at Mercer, into which the congenital idiot “Shshshaun” plunged the lost souls on the Jewcy.com chat board. “Shshshsaun” is a creature I had allowed, in my generosity, to post on BAB. (Here is his first offering.) Kudos to Dan, our reader, for trying to tutor that malevolent moron in clear thinking. A waste of time, but Dan did at least get the chat on track again.

This one is a DIGG to “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding”:

Darel99 4 hours ago
Dear Ilana,

“… Ilana’s summary blows Ann Coulter’s off the map. You are an excellent communicator. I must state that if it wasn’t for Corsi, Vox, you and a few others I would have no reason to visit WND. Great job.”

13 thoughts on “Updated: Obama’s Racial Ramrodding

  1. EN

    Couldn’t agree more with your column. It’s disgusting the way he’s belittled (in public at that) a woman who seems to have loved him unconditionally. Such men are not fit to run a West Texas gas station to say nothing of a country. He can’t be trusted.

  2. Joe Allen

    Given the constraints of politics, how could Obama have said anything else? If he was as forthright as you expect him to be, he would be Alan Keyes. A politician can’t win by telling the truth. As a Ron Paul supporter, you should know that as well as anybody.

  3. Frank Zavisca

    Shelby Steele said that Obama can’t possibly tell the truth – that the largest problem in the “Black Community” is destruction of the family, and bad behevior, NOT White Racism.

    It just makes people too “uncomfortable”, as Bill Cosby did.

    In the absence of this truth, there will be no “healing”.

    Based on Steele’s analysis, Obama’s speech was totally predictable – re hashing Jackson-Sharpton boilerplate.

  4. Andrew T.

    “The genteel Obama is nothing like the Rev. Wright, except that they both appear to be overcompensating for not looking more like Kunta Kinte.”

    What a verbal whammy!

  5. Myron Pauli

    Interestingly enough, I found Barack’s OTHER grandmother on YouTube – under “Obama’s Kenyan Roots” – she’s 86 but I guess she didn’t pay to put Barack into a private school in Hawaii!

    What Senator Obama did NOT address was whether Typical White Person Grandma was being irrational in her fear. I remember trying to cut through St. Nicholas Park in Harlem heading to City College of New York back in 1967. It seemed that two black kids were following me but that must have been an irrational fear. They later took my money. Actually, what WAS irrational about my fear was that I was scared they were going to take away my TEXTBOOKS (which cost a lot more than the two bucks they heisted!).

    So it is not clear to me whether Messiah Barack, in his erudite adressing of the racial divide, has any answer to the disfunctionality of the black underclass. Can’t say that I have a good answer either…… Corporate greed / NAFTA / slavery in 1787 / the War in Iraq – hmmm, these explanations seem to fall a bit short.

  6. gunjam

    Ilana, Your intellect is only surpassed by your pulchritudinous charm.

  7. Wille Hollenbach

    Great stuff Ilana – especially since ole’ Kunta was a figure from A Haley’s imagination !! (Wonder how many libs know that ??)

  8. Barbara Grant


    I think you have been very gracious to allow “Shshshshaun,” or whatever he calls himself, to post here for a number of years; it seems you will now put an end to that.

    I do not approve of “anonymous” debates with a well-known author; as you found, the “anonymous” detractors can make worthless and insubstantial arguments, and if you place yourself in their forum, they expect you to respond. You are correct in not doing so; and in avoiding such venues altogether.

    I’m not sure that I’ve said this on BAB before, but I sincerely believe, and have believed for a long time, that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate for President. I thought that there was always a chance for “something” to surface, with respect to the Obama camp, that would allow Hillary to clinch the nomination. The Jeremiah Wright diatribes, I believe, is that “something.”

  9. NoObama

    Obama is a piece of work for sure. If you were to ask the typical American from any race whether they’d feel more comfortable walking down a dark street and passing A) a group of young black men b) a group of young white men c) a group of young Asian men. I suspect we all know how most people would answer. Their answer wouldn’t be racist though. Humans learn by observation and the simple observation, provable with hard statistics, are that blacks overwhelmingly cause more crime than whites and asians cause less crime in this country than whites or blacks. People are just forming conclusions based on their own observations and experiences.

    Obama is just obsessed with race. I’d hate to think of this man being President and ramming PC goodness down Americans throats for the next four years. We’re already fighting to preserve what culture we have. Obama would work diligently to purge what’s left on some mis-guided notion of “fixing” race relations. Of course his idea of fixing is to not address the person’s whom behavior is largely causing their own problems. No. Instead he wants to tell the rest of the country that we simply need to accept and embrace aberrant social behavior as normal and good and punish ourselves for acting responsibly and daring to question it.

  10. Roger Chaillet

    About the “Black” Family:

    It was Dr. Thomas Sowell who pointed out some time ago (direct reference escapes me) that black Americans had higher rates of marriage than did whites in the 1950s.

    It was the ’60s and the rise of all the social welfare programs that lead to the destruction of the black family.

    But Obama’s apologists won’t admit this.

  11. Myron Pauli

    Responding to the comment by Roger Chaillet –

    I agree with Reverend Meeks (not focusing on whether his use of the n-word was inflammatory). The “white/liberal/government” (which often has black civil servants in it) or, here in Washington DC, the “black/liberal/government” DOES maintain a crappy Government School system. It also has a Welfare System supported by a high TAX System which encourages family breakup and discourages work. City and State governments often regulate businesses, such as making it a crime for blacks and others to operate a cab in New York City with a special “medallion”.

    I do not find his criticism to be that off the mark. Where I object is thinking that changing the color of the politicians would improve the mess. In fact, the DC schools may be even worse than Chicago’s. But as bad as the schools are, what about the so-called PARENTS?

    I am on my daughter all the time to do her assignments, read, etc. Where are the parents? Parents should have the prime responsibility for children.

    Reverend Meeks is perfectly fine to get angry. But the answer is – don’t get mad, get even!

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