Obscene Party Protests Porn-Law Laxity

Individual Rights,Law,Liberty,Regulation,Republicans


As if you didn’t already know this: America doesn’t have two parties, but one, big, obscene party. Today it was the Republican’s who protested a rare, Obama regulatory lapse: Omigod! The Obama administration is not enforcing obscenity laws against the porn industry.

After Attorney General Eric Holder recently shut down the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, [Orrin] Hatch derided the move Friday in a statement to Politico.
“Attorney General Holder told the Judiciary Committee last year that this task force was the centerpiece of the strategy to combat adult obscenity,” Hatch told Politico. “Rather than initiate a single new case since President Obama took office, however, the only development in this area has been the dismantling of the task force. As the toxic waste of obscenity continues to spread and harm everyone it touches, it appears the Obama administration is giving up without a fight.”

If the Big, Obscene Party continues in its wastrel ways, pretty soon, the porn industry will be the only one standing. Although the work of porn is done lying down, the industry, I believe, is still standing thanks to the support of the American consumer.

Leave consenting adults to their own depravity.

6 thoughts on “Obscene Party Protests Porn-Law Laxity

  1. james huggins

    The obsession with porn is an unmistakable sign of a culture in steep decline.

  2. George Pal

    Toxic waste of porn! That’s rich coming from a Congress that has polluted the culture, contaminated the economy and diddled, in every definition, most everything else. You can’t walk the halls and offices of Congress without a hazmat suit. Degenerate, rectify thyself.

  3. Robert Glisson

    It’s been my long contention that Democrats have nightmares that there isn’t some part of the public they don’t control; Republicans have nightmares that somewhere in the country, two people are having fun. I see, the trend continues.

  4. Myron Pauli

    I am not sure what keeps this pseudo “alliance” between limited government (small l) libertarians and “conservatives/Republicans” going.

    This is not to elevate Obama beyond the boring left-leaning “centrist” political hack that he is but what is there in the Republicans to find praiseworth??

    One would think that it would not be the track record of George Bush Sr or Jr.

  5. Graham Strouse

    I had a lot of female friends (including a couple of girlfriends) who made good money stripping in college. The rules were clear. The bouncers were large and very protective of the dancers. The Internet has, in this case, made the environment even safer. Stop hating on porn, haters! If it’s safe, clean, not exploitative & everybody leaves happy why should anyone be upset with it?

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