Our Overlords Who Art in D.C.

Ancient History,Debt,Elections,Glenn Beck,Government,IMMIGRATION,Inflation,Morality,Taxation,The State


“Glenn Beck and his faithful are dead wrong. Our overlords Who Art in D.C. will forever be incapable of sympathizing with us; will never respect us or our ‘God-given rights’; and will always rob us blind. Why? Because they can.

Contrary to what some of my countrymen believe, not even praying hard will send us a fatherly figure that resembles an American Founder to deliver us of the rotating kleptocracy that has taken up permanent residence in Washington and its surrounds.

Like the migrant flotsam and jetsam inflowing from Latin America, the imperial government and governing class are going nowhere.

Yes, how about that? Americans venture into Mexico at their own peril. Some have been killed on that country’s border. Still, politicians and their enabling pointy heads have looked obedient Americans in the proverbial eyes and told them that the fabric of their communities is renewed by endless immigration; that humanity has the natural right to venture here there and everywhere; and that, although they are suffering near Grecian joblessness, they should, ‘shut-up and pay up.’

A bloodbath of a midterm election has done nothing to stop the slash-and-burn Congress — ducks that should be lamed — from concocting bogus tax relief that increases the cost and burden of government, and guarantees that Americans pay for the accreting oink sector, if not through taxes, then by way of debt and dollars devalued.

How is that possible?

Across the pond, governments have begun courageously slashing their spending so deeply as to send the moochers and the looters of their societies rioting into the streets. Stateside, the government is in the midst of orgiastic outlays. Egged on by media ‘experts,’ journos, party strategists and TV tartlets (Republican and Democrat), Washington (Left and Right) behaves as if the events underway over there have no bearing back here, in debt-laden America.

At $14 trillion, America’s OPD (Outstanding Public Debt) almost equals its GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Yet the comitatus — ‘the sprawling apparatus … that encompasses not only the emperor’s household and its personnel … but also the ministries of government, the lawyers, the diplomats, the adjutants, the messengers, the interpreters, the intellectuals’ — see nothing wrong with a proposed 1,924 page Omnibus bill, worth 1.2 trillion gigabucks.

In the book Are We Rome? The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of Rome, Cullen Murphy draws the unflattering parallels between the imperial rule of ancient Rome and that of modern America, down to the contemporary ‘musicians’ [that would be Bono and Bon Jovi, surely], ‘the courtesans, diviners, buffoons … the people who taste the emperor’s food before he himself does … the core groups of bureaucrats and toadies who function within the nimbus of great power.’ The domain name ‘USA.gov.’, if you will.” …

More in my new column, “Our Overlords Who Art in D.C.” Read it now on WND.COM.

Just in time for Christmas, my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society, is now available on Kindle.

10 thoughts on “Our Overlords Who Art in D.C.

  1. Bill Scantlen

    None of this surprises me because I have stated all along that this past election as well as all future elections will not change anything in DC.
    The people that are elected instantly forget how they got there in the first place.

    Actually, this tax and spend mentality reminds me of the 1765 Stamp Act which wasn’t in force too long but other taxes were devised after that.

    The only way it will stop is for the American people to rebel and if that entails a 1776 revolution, so be it.

  2. John Taurus

    Ah, the lady Ilana is a goddess. Beautiful and smart. I like your take on things.

  3. steve nelson

    The only way to stop Rome is to burn it to the ground and hang all its thieves. Until the people are ready to fight for their liberty the stealing will continue.

    Anxiously waiting in the valley locked and loaded.

  4. Mike Martin

    Hello Ilana,

    Yet another good one. The part about prayers not working is on the mark.

    However, if we keep the Faith and continue praying regardless, God will eventually hear us. In the mean time, the only way I see this communist takeover of America being stopped is that some strong man will rise up amongst the people and bring forth the sword to those who oppress us. I just hope that if this does happen he is a Judas Macabeeus and not a Hitler, Lenin, or Stalin.

    Mike Martin
    Occupied Sonoma
    Land of Moonbeam

  5. Redman

    HERE’S THE LIBERATING TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL: The income tax is a benign, Constitutional tax that simply doesn’t apply to the earnings of most people; the law, scores of United States Supreme Court rulings, and every other relevant authority all say so in no uncertain terms.

    Knowing that fact, along with how the tax works, how it can be misapplied, and what can and should be done when it has been misapplied is the difference between being an exploited victim of a decades-old scheme that is a national disgrace and being a responsible, grown-up citizen of the Constitutionally-limited American republic that the Founders of this great country established for themselves and their posterity.

    I say “responsible, grown-up citizen” because one of the key mechanisms the Founders provided in their federal Constitutional design in order to ensure that the “dangerous servant and terrible master” they were reluctantly creating stayed within its intended limits was leaving control over how much wealth the government could take directly from the citizenry entirely in the hands of each individual American. The Founders relied upon each American to use this control to enforce the limits on our servant government.

    This Constitutional mechanism remains intact (the 16th Amendment notwithstanding), and all income-tax-related federal and state laws conform to that mechanism and its purpose faithfully and precisely.

  6. irongalt

    Really good column Ilana…too many nice points to list 🙂

    Bill & Steve – my sentiments exactly. The vote / petitions will never result in any real improvement. Historically, organized crime can only be stopped with force…this mafia is no different.

  7. Myron Pauli

    Elections are basically a rotating circus – or a “good cop bad cop” scam. But the voters like it and it works.

    What is not to like about the latest tax cut / benefit juice – stimulus? It is like a junkie not liking his latest fix. He might admit in a rare sober moment that he should give up his dependency but then he shoots up the next round. So it is with the deficit.

    Well, things are holding up relatively well in DC – compare it with California or Ohio or Michigan, for example. Unemployment in Northern VA is 4.8 %.

  8. Bob Schaefer

    “Still, politicians and their enabling pointy heads have looked obedient Americans in the proverbial eyes and told them that the fabric of their communities is renewed by endless immigration…”

    For a vivid description of community renewal fostered by “endless immigration,” see this gut-wrenching article by Victor Davis Hanson:

  9. Jennifer

    Powerful words, Ilana. I disagree that prayer’s ineffective, but then our God’s never approved of inaction either. Well-done!

  10. EngiNERD

    Great Column ! Let me offer…

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    “For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
    – Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 B.C

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