Trump Is Trying To Overcome Radically Liberal Immigration Laws & Shitty Lawmakers

Critique, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Law, Military, Republicans

Whether ordered by Barack Obama or Donald Trump; sending National Guard troops to the border, it must be clear, has always been about optics, no more.

Indeed, previous administrations have done so.

But it remains true that the National Guard can act as “extra eyes and ears for border guards,” and no more, notes The Economist, in its April 7th-13th (2018) issue. As we know all so well, “there are legal constraints on using soldiers for law-enforcement.”

In Trump translation: “We have horrible, horrible and very unsafe laws in the United States.”

The president was, therefore, wrong when he announced in April that, “We are preparing for the military to secure our border between Mexico and the United States.”

Certainly President Trump’s “proclamation to deploy the National Guard” does nothing to stop Central American asylum-seekers. These brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know that, to stay in the US, and live off the American taxpayer’s avails, all they need do is “lodge a legal claim to stay.”

In Trump translation: We have the crappiest, most liberal immigration laws.

RECENT HISTORY: “During Trump’s first nine months in office, arrests for immigration violations were 42% higher than they were during the same period in Barack Obama’s last year. Non-border deportations rose 25% in fiscal 2017. Deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime, and who were not a priority in the Obama era, nearly tripled. Refugee admissions have plummeted. This fiscal year 16% of them are Muslim, compared with 42% a year ago.”

ICE agents have increased their presence at courthouses. ICE said they will use courthouse arrests only for “specific, targeted aliens” with criminal records, gang affiliations or removal orders, or who pose national security threats.

MOREOVER, I don’t know if Jeff Sessions’ Department of Justice has done so yet, but it was “to set quotas for clearing cases for immigration judges to hit.”

White House officials had been “drafting a package which would, among other things, make it easier to deport children who arrive alone at the border.”

All good stuff the sainted Sarah Sanders, White House spokesperson, never mentions.

So, to bypass the shitty lawmakers who’re unprepared to heed the country, should Republicans “eliminate the rule that most new laws can pass the Senate only with a 60-vote supermajority”? Should they, before it’s too late?

(Source: “Be Very Afraid: Donald Trump takes a hard turn on immigration.“)

UPDATED (6/9/018): POTUS Puts America First At The “Crooked” G-7 Summit. Go President Trump!

Donald Trump, Drug War, Europe, Foreign Policy, Media, Nationhood, Trade

“IT’S G6 versus one”:

“It’s never been seen before. This is not normal. Tariffs will kill Americans; they can’t live without Chinese trinkets. No American president has ever behaved like so. Russia? Why would Trump want peace with Russia? North Korea? How dare Trump pursue peace with that rogue regime?”

In a nutshell, this is the static, decontextualized theme of the malpracticing, moron media on their Trump Watch.

And now, in reporting on the G-7 summit, silly women with chipmunk voices dripping with contempt are appalled, but appalled, that POTUS is asserting American interests there, and not acting like the plaything of “our European allies.”

NEWS FLASH, FOOLS: That’s why we elected Donald J. Trump.

UPDATE (6/9/018): Let’s see decriminalization. Enough of Jeff Sessions state-enforced prohibition.

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NEW COLUMN: UPDATE II (6/8): The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots

Affirmative Action, Business, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, Terrorism

“The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots” is the current column, now on and Unz Review. An excerpt:

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).

Thanks to her husband’s vast riches, Melinda’s son, Rory John Gates, will remain insulated from discrimination visited on white men, by vindictive women like Mommy Dearest, in the name of “white privilege” (whatever that means).

“White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it”: While the article is from 2015, Salon and other influential leftist news sites have furnished sequels to the “salutary” warning, issued by the magazine in time for Christmas.

“White men must be stopped”? What precisely does that mean?

In the postmodern tradition, the pseudo-academics behind the concept of white privilege have invented for themselves an artificial, political construct.

Political constructs confer power on those who dream them up. For politics is the predatory process through which the figment of sick minds is weaponized. …

READ THE REST. “The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots” is now on and Unz Review.

UPDATE (6/8):

Another neat letter:

—–Original Message—–
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:10 PM
Subject: White Privilege

Ms. Mercer,

Love your article (as sad as it is) regarding “The White Problem.” I’ve always said that calling for an “end” to “white privilege” really means an *end* to *white people*. And it is no different from Germans already talking about a “Jewish problem” as early as the mid-18th century.

Unfortunately, America will go the way that white South Africa went. Truly a tragedy. And the irony is that it is white people who are to blame due to their idiotic “white guilt.”

Thanks for being so honest and truthful – unlike the faux “con-servatives” who pooh-pooh Afrosupremacim and Europhobia.

P.S. “Vertiginous”? Had to look it up. Great word!

P.P.S. Would you mind letting me know who is the “lightweight” idiot on FOX who called it “goofy”?

UPDATE II: Interesting thread on Jack Kerwick’s Facebook page:

Ilana Mercer But Jack Kerwick, it’s much bigger than that: Civilization was practically built by white men. Is there anything in your house that hasn’t been invented by this much-maligned cohort? Do a little exercise. I do it. I can be watching anything from the detailed investigation of an aviation accident to a piece of great music (say Bach), to the history of the 747. I say to myself, “Thanks G-d for Africa, where this stuff was invented.” Reality check.

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UPDATE III (12/13/018): A New Kind Of Bi-Partisan Non-thinking

Celebrity, Conservatism, Democrats, Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Philosophy, Republicans

Wikipedia calls Candace Owens an “American conservative commentator, and activist.

I call Samantha Bee a smarmy, left-liberal—one among many—who purports to do comedy.

Yet the aforementioned Owens calls Bee a “liberal thinker.” (I believe that such a pronouncement was made on Martha MacCallum’s “The Story,” or on another of those interchangeable programs.)

The above is a new kind of non-thinking.

So is the self-explanatory Samantha-Bee contretemps below:

Bee came under fire for calling Ivanka Trump a cunt. “You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child,” Bee said as the photo flashed onto the screen, “but let me just say, one mother to another: Do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt! He listens to you!”

The moment faced harsh criticism, both from the White House, which called her statement “vile and vicious,” and from some on the left, who argued that calling women “cunts” reduces them to their genitalia and is a slur that’s meant to teach women that their bodies are disgusting and shameful. (Bee also received praise from others on the left, who argued that cunt is just a word and that the real issue is Donald Trump’s immigration practices.) In the wake of the backlash, Bee tweeted an apology to both Ivanka Trump and her viewers, saying, “I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”

UPDATE I (6/13):

ON THE OTHER SIDE, THERE IS Chris Cuomo, part of CNN’s thought-police enforcement. Here he goes after Republican Corey Stewart, who’s for the working man, by… calling Stewart a white supremacist and a racist. Is that’s all the filthy libs have?

UPDATE II (12/11/018):

MORE Little League cat fight.  My term for the bickering between two “giants” of conservative thought: Candace and Tomi, aforementioned.


UPDATE III (12/13/018): Speechless at the hubris: