Why Can’t Trump Campaign On His America-First Winning Issues?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION

Even MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, no well-wisher of Donald Trump, is frustrated by the candidate’s inability to campaign on his winning issues:


Whatever you think of Donald Trump, I mean, whatever you think of Donald Trump, you have to wonder, why isn’t he doing it? Why isn’t he running for president? Why isn’t he spending every hour asking the voters again and again do you like way things are? The way they’ve been headed in this country? Do you like the continued destruction of our manufacturing base, and the jobs that went with it?

Do you like the uncontrolled illegal immigration? Do you like the string of stupid wars from Iraq to Libya to Syria? If you want to say yes to all of that, if you want to keep all this way it is, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you don’t like the way things have been headed, you have have a chance to really shake the system to its roots. And if you wake up the day after the election, and if it is the same as it is today. If it’s the same four, five, or eight years from now, remember you had the chance to change it but you were too dainty to do it.

If Trump were to win the election, those would be the reasons listed right at the top of the newspaper the day afterward. So why doesn’t he say now what would win him the election? Why doesn’t he fight and create stupid headlines with his battles with Megyn Kelly and Dana Bash?

He seems to devote everyday day after day to fighting fights that make people forget the reasons he started running for president, reasons that continue to carry the shrinking chance he has to win this thing. I say this not because I want Trump to win, but because I can’t stand politics being practiced so pathetically.

Did Hillary’s Recklessness Lead To The Execution Of An American Asset In Iran?

Ethics, Etiquette, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iran

In August of 2016, when it came to light that Hillary Clinton had flouted state secrecy laws, Iran executed an American asset. The execution of “Shahram Amiri appeared linked as effect to cause to Hillary’s infamous emails. Poor Shahram Amiri had the misfortune of being discussed by the secretary of state’s staff on her insecure server. The correlation between Amiri’s demise might not be as strong as the Iran ransom-release cause-and-effect; but it deserves serious consideration.” Still does. (“The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality.”)

All the more so now that the extent of Hillary Clinton’s wayward recklessness with lives entrusted to her has been exposed.

One official said the total number of emails recovered in the investigation into Weiner is close to 650,000, although that reflects many emails that are not related to the Clinton investigation. But officials familiar with the case said that the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and Abedin. (WaPo)


“The F.B.I. on Monday began loading a trove of emails belonging to a top aide to Hillary Clinton into a special computer program that would allow bureau analysts to determine whether they contain classified information, law enforcement officials said. …(WaPo)


Crime, Criminal Injustice, Ethics, Government, Hillary Clinton, Law

Sean Hannity also doesn’t believe the story concocted by F.B.I. Director James B. Comey about a “trove of [new Hillary] emails, heretofore unknown. The source of the “new” discovery that has made dirty cop Comey reopen an investigation that should never have been closed are on the devices of Anthony D. Weiner.

Yeah, right!

As Sean Hannity surmised, and I agree, Wikileaks is shaming the FBI with its revelations about the nefarious Clinton operations. It probably has in store some news the FBI simply can’t ignore if it doesn’t want to be officially crowned an agency befitting a banana republic. So make the dreadful Weiner the fall-guy.

… The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousands.
Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant. A senior law enforcement official said that the emails belonged to Ms. Abedin and were backed up on Mr. Weiner’s computer.
The officials said the F.B.I. has not looked at the emails to determine their significance. …


I’m With HER, Against Hillary’s Malevolent Matriarchy

Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Hillary Clinton

“I’m With Her, Against Hillary’s Malevolent Matriarchy” is the NEW COLUMN, now on FrontPage Magazine. An excerpt:

In recent interviews, Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, observed wryly that almost every malicious, lie-filled article about herself or he husband was written by a … female. Indeed, women seem to have a particular stake in bringing Mr. Trump down.

The contrast between Mrs. Trump and the many histrionic shrews prosecuting her husband is stark. In both her interviews with CNN’s condescending Anderson Cooper and Fox News’s Ainsley Earhardt, Mrs. Trump was the embodiment of “strength.”

When a liberal woman declares she’s a strong woman (usually uttered in a tart-like, staccato inflection), she’s using a cliché. Look at her actions. You’ll see that “strong” to liberal distaff means kicking and screaming until she brings others into compliance with her worldview and ways.

A “strong” liberal woman is one who hammers you about your obligation to fork-out for her Trojans and her Trivora. And if birth control fails our liberated libertine, then you’re on the hook for her abortions and abortifacients. And don’t dare doubt any of the intemperate charges leveled by this prototype liberal succubus against a man, any man. To doubt her is to harm her.

It was not without significance that Hillary Clinton’s first general election speech, in June, was before Planned Parenthood. At the time, media buried the story of one named Rajiv K. Fernando, who had donated to the Clinton Foundation and was given a seat as Hillary’s nuclear weapons advisor. Watching this, I was thinking endemic corruption, the $19 trillion debt, the dire jobs report, the terrifying prospect of negative interest rates and the fate of savers. But Hillary and her gyno-brigade in media and across the country were cheering for a universal right to taxpayer-paid dilation and curettage (D&C).

Melania Trump, on the other hand, is authentically strong.

In her refusal to impart salacious tell-all tidbits to interviewers, in the way she guards her privacy and that of her family; in her serene, gracious, and beautiful manners and bearing—Mrs. Trump exemplifies a European woman’s good breeding. She’s a class act. Her enemies are the cultural underclass.

Nor does Mrs. Trump display any of the histrionics about men exhibited by her American counterparts. …

Read the rest. “I’m With Her, With Melania Against Hillary’s Malevolent Matriarchy” is now on FrontPage Magazine. Read it and share it.