The Pence Omen: Pro Wars, Pro Islam, Not-So-Pro-Private Property

Donald Trump, Islam, Private Property, Republicans

I hope I’m wrong. But I have a feeling “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” may have documented and deconstructed the heyday of The Donald.

Letting dynamo Corey Lewandowski go was the first mistake. Hiring Gov. Mike Pence the next. I’m with my good friend Clyde Wilson, when he expressed trepidation about the Pence omen:

I am not alone in fearing that he has now betrayed himself, his cause, and his country by giving in to his discredited Establishment enemies. It is not at all clear that Pence adds any strength to the ticket or to a future administration. He could well prove a bleeding ulcer to Trump. His selection confuses a clear and winning message. Trump should have, if true to himself, chosen a new man—someone young and dynamic and dedicated to destroying Establishment power and obfuscation.

Pence disavowed the Muslim ban. Donald went with the Pence announcement on the eve of Nice (pronounced with French affectation). Nice! (As in the English word used here cynically.) I hope it turns out, but I don’t think there will be recompense for Pence.

Last I wrote about Pence, it was to urge, “Get off your knees, Gov. Pence! (you’re not in a gay bathhouse).” What had Pence done? He failed to “muster a coherent defense of the bedrock of a free republic—and of civilization itself: the rights of private property and freedom of association.” Pence did not vigorously defend the rights of private property to refuse to serve, in this case, I think it was the gay cake Gestapo.

FOR MORE WAR SEE: “60 Minutes”: “The Republican Ticket: Trump and Pence”

The Expert Idiocracy Is More Dangerous Than Islam. Almost

America, History, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Morality, Pseudoscience, Terrorism, The West

“The Expert Idiocracy Is More Dangerous Than Islam, Almost,” is the latest, weekly column, on Townhall, “the top source for conservative … commentary.” An excerpt:

They’ve been killing their way across Europe and the USA. They’re the Mohameds, Omars, Syeds, Tashfeens, Tareks, Maliks, Ibrahims, Brahim, Yassins, Rafiks, Khalids and Najims; Messrs. Abaaoud, Abdeslam, El Bakraouis, Abrinis, Abballas (blah-blah). But about them, the Twittersphere yields more plain spoken truths than the expert Idiocracy.

The latest Muslim immigrant to unleash himself on a battered France—“France’s terror log: 230+ killed in attacks since 2015, more than previous century of terrorism,”reports RT—was Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.

Write his name down. The American media will soon proclaim sanctimoniously, as they did for Omar Mateen, that they’ll not be mentioning names. Wikipedia already minimizes a researcher’s exposure to the names of the Muslim terrorists who roamed free among us, opting for their professional affiliation: “ISIL supporters,” “suicide bomber,” visiting Moroccan student.

Our avatars of morality in media have announced they would not show the mangled bodies Mohamed left when he plowed his hired lorry into crowds celebrating Bastille Day, killing at least 84 and gravely injuring 202.

Seek out those images. You owe it to the dead. You owe it to those still living in la-la land. You owe it to yourself. As anti-Islam warrior Geert Wilders has warned, “The more Islam we get, the less free our societies.”

The more Islam we get, the more bodies will litter our streets à la Nice.

So what has the expert Idiocracy misled you about?

We heard repeatedly about America’s philosophical affinity with the French and their Revolution. “Philosopher” Homer Simpson came closer to the truth about the French—“cheese-eating surrender monkeys,” he called our “closest allies”—than liberals and conservatives alike. Both factions seem afflicted by historical Alzheimer’s about Bastille Day.

Theirs was a blood-drenched illiberal, irreligious, and intolerant uprising. The father of English conservatism, Edmund Burke, was a “great publicist of the American Revolution,” but said that “the French Revolution was murderous …

… Read the rest.  “The Expert Idiocracy Is More dangerous Than Islam, Almost” is on Townhall, “the top source for conservative … commentary.” Share it widely.


Do review “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” on Amazon. (The book can be bought, too, from Amazon UK, Europe, Canada.)


‘Alienated’ Muslims Mutilated, Dismembered & Tortured Their French Victims

IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Islam, Terrorism, The State

They did it in the 1973 Yom Kippur War to Israeli soldiers caught on the borders unaware: disembowel, gouge out eyes, castrate victims, and shove their testicles in their mouths.

This time, Muslims who’d been welcomed into foolish French society did these deeds to their civilian hosts, with an added flare: At the Bataclan theatre, scene of the December, 2015 execution of over 130 individuals, the Muslims running wild in that country (and in ours) “stabbed women in the genitals and filmed [their handiwork] for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.”

The French government concealed the facts from those it serves (who don’t seem to care much), just like our FBI and their overlords keep details about Muslim aggressors from Americans. (See “I Told You The FBI Is Rotten & Responsible For Terror Unleashed.”)

“EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre”

The Other Talk Hillary Clinton & BHO Refuse To Have

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Hillary Clinton, Race, Racism

A “conversation” is what black activists—led by Barack Obama, followed obediently and wickedly by Hillary Clinton—are dubbing the Orwellian obscenity they’re foisting on the nation, through their megaphones in media, ever since the wave of hate crimes against white policemen commenced.

“African-American families … fear every time their children go somewhere, … have to have the talk about how to really protect themselves … from encounters with police,” parroted Clinton about The Talk blacks must allegedly have with their frightened kids, living in hellish America.

There’s Another Talk that dare not be discussed. Columnist John Derbyshire had The Other Talk with his kids and tried to have it with America. For his troubles, Derbyshire was dismissed from National Review, and soon became a national pariah.

The Other Talk You Can’t Have In America is discussed (and critiqued some) in “National Review Eunuchs.”