Sarah Palin’s Pearls Before Swine

Donald Trump, Elections, Political Correctness, Sarah Palin

Some of the bons mots delivered by Sarah Palin in Ames, Iowa, where she endorsed Donald Trump, were doggone terrific. My earlier prediction was premature. Palin ditched the handlers that had dogged her and deformed her style, and went back to being the wild girl from Wasilla, Alaska:

What the hell would the establishment GOP Machine know about conservatism?

We’re mad; have been had. … Doggone right, we’re angry, time to drill, baby, drill down.

Trump has gone rogue.

Safety nets have been turned into hammocks.

They’re wearing political correctness like a suicide vest.

Complicity is on both sides of the aisle.

Trump’s not an elitist; he respects hard hats.

UPDATED: Sarah Palin’s Devolution: Will It Rub Off On Donald Trump? (I Was Wrong)

Donald Trump, Elections, Sarah Palin

Regarding Sarah Palin’ endorsement of Donald Trump: She’s a great personality as an Alaskan, a mom, a hunter, runner, oil and gas ace (expertise she has never “tapped”), Big Oil enemy. For the rest, Palin’s life has taken on a reality-show flavor. And the spontaneous ability to connect with an audience has been replaced with a weird, disjointed quality.

Whoever has been choreographing poor Mrs. Palin’s public appearances of late has destroyed her natural charm. For some time now, Palin has been modulating her voice during appearances to sound like a preacher, lending it the cadence of a crazy person’s voice.

The there’s the governor’s propensity for rambling, run-off sentences, peppered with grating gerunds. Pearls of wisdom are often lost in the prolix.

And please don’t attack me for Palin’s devolution. Starting with “Sensational Sarah,” I’ve written oodles in praise of the original Palin persona, recommending that she “fashion herself as an expert, not as a generalist. On energy and environmental issues Palin is indeed an ace. When it comes to the ins-and-outs of the oil and gas industry—ownership, extraction, contracts and leases—Sarah Palin is as sharp as a tack.

As to Ms. Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump; let’s see.

Two Weeks’ Tweets, Jan 1-17, Debate, Iran, Kurds, UN, Jobs (Steve), Guns, Rape Of Europe

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Drug War, Europe, Feminism, GUNS, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Iran, Islam, Private Property, Race, Terrorism, UN

PEGGY Noonan’s so simplistic:


THIS is how stupid modern women are:


DERIDING Middle America:

RUBIO’s Rotten:

Cologne stinks:

TED Cruz is goofy:

OBAMA cries:

Megyn Kelly conceit:

TRUMP on guns:

Philip Haney Hero:

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Iran Prisoner Swap Likely B/C Of Loss Of Face/Shaming Stateside

Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Iran, Military, Politics, The State

It would appear that the prisoner swap with Iran had not been written into the nuclear agreement with Iran, as the Obama administration is trying mightily to imply. “We’ve been engaged in tortuous negotiations” for 14 months,” say surrogates for the Obama team, all too eager to depict cabinet members and special envoy doing the impossible for their countrymen.

Not for one minute is this believable. The bastards were going to let those Americans rot. Obama thought he’d get away with touting the diplomatic accomplishment of the nuclear deal above all else. Like all politicking, the Iran deal would be a legacy for the political class involved; a loss for the people whose betterment the pols are supposed to strive.

It’s hard to tell from the veiled language used in reports. Journalist can’t think clearly and therefore are unable to ask a clear, pointed question like this:

Was the release of the American prisoners stipulated in the nuclear deal? Provide the text, please.

As I asked yesterday:

As for the implication on Twitter that Obama, his stellar bureaucrats and their predecessors have been busy for years in negotiations, because, well, that’s the way things are done (faith in government runs eternal). Not quite. Mother of decapitated hostage James Foley attested to being threatened with legal action by the benevolent functionaries if she attempted to independently retrieve her son. (DIANE FOLEY spoke to Anderson Cooper about that haunting regret in her life.) So the bureaucrat (Bush’s or Obama’s) is forever frenetic, but because he’s saving American lives.


Another dynamic in operation is the humiliating specter of the American sailors being toyed with by the Iranians. Obama didn’t so much mind what befell those young men and woman; but he couldn’t tolerate his pride and vanity being further damaged in the US.