UPDATED: The Cause Ron Paul Should Champion (Defer to the Tenth)

Christian Right,Democrats,Elections,Foreign Policy,IMMIGRATION,Republicans,Ron Paul,States' Rights


“The Cause Ron Paul Should Champion” is my new WND.COM column. Here’s an excerpt:

On his website, tricky Dick Morris, former adviser to Bill Clinton, claims comically to be fighting for the soul of the Grand Old Party. Morris has dubbed a potential contest between Republican presidential contender Ron Paul and President Barack Obama as “the biggest [Republican] wipeout in American history.”

Less dramatically, the Des Moines Register conceded, in the aftermath of the “the first contest of the 2012 election season,” that, while “many Iowa caucus-goers connected with Paul’s belief in less government spending and regulation, in free trade and private property rights and in opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan”—they nevertheless “worried about Paul’s prospects in the general election.”

With 21.4 percent of a volatile vote, Rep. Ron Paul came in a strong third in Tuesday’s Iowa Republican caucuses. Assuming second place, and trailing Mitt Romney by eight statistically insignificant votes, was former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, the dark horse in this race.

Still, what separates Dr. Paul from his Republican rivals is this: Whereas their national appeal is likely to plateau—coffined by militarism and social conservatism—Paul’s appeal, by contrast, has the potential to transcend the confines of the Republican Party.

For one, Ron Paul can woo Obama’s sizeable anti-war base which is sick and tired of the killer drone. (One definition of a drone is “an idle person who lives off others; a loafer, a drudge,” a Barack Obama. Another definition of a drone is “a pilotless aircraft operated by remote control,” frequently utilized by the aforementioned “idle person who lives off others” to kill others.) …

Read the complete column, “The Cause Ron Paul Should Champion,” on WND.COM.

My book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon. (Don’t forget those reviews; they help this cause.)

A Kindle copy is also on sale.

Still better, shipping is free and prompt if you purchase Into the Cannibal’s Pot from The Publisher.

UPDATE (Jan. 6): DEFER TO THE TENTH. That’s what Ron Paul should do. Michael Boldin’s Tenth Amendment Center article draws the distinction between immigration and naturalization, in the context of 18th century locution:

…a common 18th century definition of naturalization was “The act of investing aliens with the privileges of native subjects”, while emigrate had a common meaning of “to move from one place to another.”
Such a delegated power over “naturalization” then, does not specifically address the power over immigration rules in any way. But, Constitutionally-speaking, one also has to then consider the common law doctrine of principles and incidents (i.e. the necessary and proper clause) to find authorization for anything not spelled out in the constitution.
I have yet to hear a convincing argument that control over who can and cannot cross a border was considered by the Founders to be an incidental (lesser and directly required) power related to the delegated power over naturalization.
But, I’m sure someone will try to make one eventually. And yes, I’m all ears! Otherwise, such power is something retained by the people of the several states to be dealt with by their state governments or not – as they see fit.

AND FROM “Tell Establishment Media A Dog Died On The Border”:

One of the finest minds on matters pertaining to immigration and the Constitution is Kris W. Kobach, a University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law professor, and an author of the Arizona law. Kobach has determined that “state police, exercising state law authority only,” may make arrests for violations of federal law”—a right Kobach anchors in a state’s status as a sovereign entity.

States are sovereign governments possessing all residual powers not abridged or superseded by the U.S. Constitution. The source of the state governments’ power is entirely independent of the U.S. Constitution. … the states possess what are known as ‘police powers,’ which need not be specifically enumerated. Police powers are ‘an exercise of the sovereign right of the government to protect the lives, health, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the people.

6 thoughts on “UPDATED: The Cause Ron Paul Should Champion (Defer to the Tenth)

  1. Rebel Without a Clause

    The problem is, the genuinely “anti-war” segment of the Demican Party is maybe 5-10%…in fact over at the Left-populist site Counterpunch, Alex Cockburn and some of the brighter lights there have recently endorsed RP, but still, the vast majority of “Democrats” only care about getting in power and staying there via handing out/receiving debt-financed gov’t checks. Putting the thinking, libertarian segment of the Right together with the anti-war Left, you still don’t get over 30%. Can’t win (barring economic collapse pre-election, in which case anything can happen) but still can cause big probs for the Demican-Republicrat Beast IF he goes Thirs Party. But what’s with RP’s answer, the other day, when asked if he “thought he could win”: sez he “not really…”. There’s such a thing as too much honesty.

  2. Roy Bleckert

    The demo Ron can grow in is the + 55 crowd & the 100k & above earners ( this is were Mittens dominates )

    Ron should give these 2 groups the choice of bring the troops home to save their Soc. Sec. checks coming in while we let the younger set transition off the Big Gov. entitlement programs

    Same with the Big earners The 1 trillion in budget cuts & revamping monetary policy will hurt in the short term , but will Expand the economy & prosperity at a sustainable growth, instead of the ever shrinking GDP we have now !

  3. Roy Bleckert

    Now on to the politics LOLLL !!!

    Avg. the 2 polls out of NH today & you have Mittens @ 40% & Ron @ 21%

    If Ron is poised to Win or Challenge Mittens this week in NH he will have to pull from Mittens strength in the + 55 & 100K + earners, you gotta know where the chips lie in each state to Win IT !

    Dr. Ron Paul the next POTUS !!!!!



  4. derek

    For one, Ron Paul can woo Obama’s sizeable anti-war base which is sick and tired of the killer drone.

    You might be onto something. Huffington Post is concerned that many of their anti-war folks are enamored of a guy who is against wars and the Patriot Act. Progressives who have been left wanting by Obama’s empty campaign promises are being warned that Ron Paul is no friend despite the fact he seems to support many of their issues.

  5. My RON-PAUL i

    I watch the Compassionate Conservative Big Spending Republicans bashing the Humanitarian Interventionist Warmonger Big Spending Democrats with great fervor – ad tedium year after year…. Over what?? For “King of the Mainstream” – e.g. the Welfare Warfare Master of the Globe….

    Matt Taibbi captures a lot of my “so what” attitude about who gets crowned as the next Goldman-Sachs puppet:


    Obama is a hypocritical hack and most Democrats don’t even care!

    What really differentiates Bush from Obama from Romney – rhetorical blather on abortion or gay marriage (not that any President has made any impact one way or another on these cultural sideshows)??

    The War on Drugs – the Bailouts – the Deficits – the War on Pushtun Tribesmen – the TSA fondling Americans – the porous borders – denial of Due Process by Presidential fiat – all continue despite all this hyperpartisan hooey.

    Mostly the mainstream cannot even debate Ron Paul but rather dismiss him with “nutcase” or “racist” accusations. “Can’t win” is a self-fulfilling prophecy of the mainstream that the American sheeple go along with (until perhaps Debtmageddon finally collapses the Welfare-Warfare Federal Reserve Bubble).

    I hope that Ron Paul carries enough delegates to give him speaking time at the Republican Convention (if they dare!).

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