Updated: Prophet Paul & Good Guy Glenn (Beck)

Federal Reserve Bank,Inflation,Media,Ron Paul,Socialism


More TV traitors, who condemned and cussed Ron Paul, are calling on him to explain what he has been predicting vis-à-vis the consequences to markets of the government’s reckless squandering and its monetization of debts and deficits.

Glenn Beck is, naturally, no traitor, he’s a patriot—the only man on TV who gets it and is honestly grappling with the truth. Beck challenges the liars, and takes no nonsense from pols pretending to be good guys. He’s the only TV talker on whose show you’re likely to hear sentences and sentiments such as, “Where is that in the Constitution?”

Here is Beck’s latest interview with Paul, via New Liberty. The reality is BAD, but Paul is sounding better and better by the day. Transcripts are here.

Update (September 23): Sadly, Good Guy Glenn has joined the bad guys. He informed his devotees last night that, over the weekend, he had been beefing up on “editorials,” and had come to the conclusion that socializing whole industries was a necessary evil. Said Glenn:

“The $700 billion that you`re hearing about now is not only, I believe, necessary, it is also not nearly enough, and all of the weasels in Washington know it. … The bailout — I see this as just stopping the plane from falling out of the sky.”

Peter Schiff, President of Europaca, who is clearly libertarian (and Austrian on economics), tried to reason with Glenn:

“Now the problem is our pilot and our co-pilot, Bernanke and Paulson, don’t know how to fly. I mean, they’re blind. They’re drunk.
You know, they’re going to crash this plane even faster. You know, the bailout is actually going to make it worse because we don’t have the $2 trillion. We’re just going to print it up.
Instead of just the entire economy coming down, we’re going to take our currency and we’re going to have a much bigger crisis when our money isn’t worth anything and interest rates are double digits because nobody will lend us any more.”


“The government’s not going to save us. They did this to us. They’re the ones that created the greed by eliminating all the risks of mortgage lending in the first place. They say we have to do this, they say we have to go into Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction. They were wrong. This plan is a weapon of mass destruction to destroy our economy and to destroy our currency.”

I say fire Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, who, before joining the Byzantine bureaucracy, had a $40 million per-annum job on Wall Street. Hire Schiff.

More from wise man Schiff:

“The government is just borrowing and spending more money. They’re not letting the market fix the problem. And how are we going to get out of this mess with more government, with more inflation?
As bad as this collapse would be, this is going to make it worse. Doing something different would be shrinking government.”

But Glenn let the wise guys—the State’s stool pigeons—have the last word, which he then seconded.

6 thoughts on “Updated: Prophet Paul & Good Guy Glenn (Beck)

  1. Steve Stip

    Concerning Dr. Ron Paul

    There are the right.
    There are the strong.
    And once in a great throng,
    the good: both right and strong.

    Maybe in four years the country will be ready for this man. I will write in his name this Nov 4 to further insure that the MSM cannot ignore him.

    Ron Paul understands economics; almost everyone else in Washington is clueless, corrupt, or both, IMO.

  2. Alex

    Not intending to sound gay, but I have a deep affection for this man… I would stand next to him and let him know how much I care about his courage.

    What a brilliant man. Who would have thought that with all of the muck of our time, one of the greatest Senators ever would come from it…

  3. Andrew T.

    Glenn Beck is very arrogant on war (when he had Sakashvili on the show soapboxing away about democracy, it was pretty ridiculous), but his nearly Paulian tendencies on so many other issues like the Federal Reserve make him a worthwhile exception to mainstream media.

  4. Alex

    Whoops, sorry. I meant to say ‘Congressman’ Ron Paul.

    I see that you got the video for the youtube – thanks Ilana. I became too busy to continue looking for it.

    I wanted to ask you what you thought of the current political climate’s wierd dual edged sword.

    Currently, we live in the biggest State ever, and while we are (mostly), politically free, we are not so much economically. Secondly, while the State is everywhere in academia, at no other time have supporters of freedom (such as Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, and even Dr. Robert Murphy, a market anarchist) been so visible in the public sector. I was shocked to see some clips of Professor Murphy on the TV talking about oil!

    I am also wondering if we should really say that there is a difference between economic freedom and political freedom. If you have less to do with your property, aren’t you less free?

    In addition, Americans are too obsessed with freedom of speech. They constantly babble about it as if it nullifies bad practices of the State. ‘I’m in jail for life because of tax evasion, but Hey! I have freedom of speech!’ Ridiculous.

    The whole purpose of freedom of speech was not to make idiot music (rap) or lame TV shows (sex and the city); it was to stop the encroachment of the public (state) sector in the private (market) sector; a limitation on powers.

    It is wierd that it is now often used by some – such as Neil Cavuto – to justify further encroachments of the state into private life.

  5. Myron Pauli

    Ron Paul warned on September 10 of the impending attack – on financial markets (back in 2003) – see http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul128.html
    “…Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market… Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing…

    ….. the government’s policy of diverting capital to other uses creates a short-term boom in housing. Like all artificially-created bubbles, the boom in housing prices cannot last forever. When housing prices fall, homeowners will experience difficulty as their equity is wiped out. Furthermore, the holders of the mortgage debt will also have a loss. These losses will be greater than they would have otherwise been…

    ….Federal Reserve can stave off the day of reckoning by purchasing GSE debt and pumping liquidity into the housing market, but this cannot hold off the inevitable drop in the housing market forever. In fact, postponing the necessary, but painful market corrections will only deepen the inevitable fall….. the greater the effects across the economy when the bubble bursts….”

  6. Tom

    The Federal Reserve Banks have been a scam and a swindle since the day the Bank Scam system was created by the crooks and thieves in the Government conspiracy for totalitarian tyranny.

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