Reminder: They're Republikeynesians

Debt,Federal Reserve Bank,Inflation,Political Economy,Republicans


Carl Rove on “Hannity” paraphrased: The Democrats’ stimulus was all stupid spending, there was nothing stimulating about it.

The premise of this stupid refrain, repeated again and again by GOPiers, is that there is a smart, economically stimulating way for the state to spend money to stimulate the economy.

Each and every Republikeynesian heard on cable will refute not the idea that government is able to create jobs out of funds it forcibly removes from the private economy or by printing paper in the basement of the Fed. The beef the likes of the incredibly dim Dana Parino, Newt, Dick, Carl et. al., will invariably voice is: The Dems didn’t apply the stolen funds the way one ought to have; the way we would have.

“How much to hand-out; who to hand it to; which hand-out makes the best use of taxpayer money … that’s the depth of the ‘philosophical’ to-be-or-not-to-be among Republikeynsians.”—ILANA (December 5, 2008)

Just thought thought I ought to remind you that they are all rotten Republikeynesians.

8 thoughts on “Reminder: They're Republikeynesians

  1. Myron Pauli

    Really really productive jobs like Blackwater, Burger Kings in Khandahar, and other warmongering. Productive jobs like Tasers to stun old ladies, more jails for pot smokers. Good old Republicans.

    Well, at least the Republicans didn’t support stupid things like bailing out the auto indusry – OOPS! Well, they didn’t support stupid stuff like bailing out AIG and Goldman Sachs – OOPS! Hell, this is too easy ….

  2. Mark Humphrey

    Thanks for blasting fresh air and sunshine through the moldering corrupt halls of the GOP estblishment.

    The GOP and the DEMS differ on purely aesthetic grounds. The DEMS, who bloviate about the sacredness of “education”, are contemptuous of honest physical labor. They strive to turn the world into a vast Soup Kitchen, staffed by slaves and run by the elite. The GOPers love to recite mind-numbing cliches about “defending our freedom” by conducting aggressive foreign wars. The DEMS give lip service to “Peace”, even as they mug taxpayers for billions in support of the latest war. The GOPers preach “free enterprise” and “frugality”, as they enthusiastically shovel tax dollars as fast as they can to their supporters and pals.

    Both tribes are collectivist; both are contemptuous of ideas.

  3. james huggins

    I don’t believe any government has ever created a job except another government job. To expect anything different is to abandon logic. I don’t mind getting on the band wagon and lambasting Republicans but I keep waiting for somebody to come up with an alternative. Anybody out there got any ideas?

  4. Myron Pauli

    By the way, your blog is closed to comments on Beck vs. Byrd.

    [Restored; don’t know how that happened.]

  5. George Pal

    The theme ‘advancing distinctions without differences’ (between Reps and Dems) has long been the favorite of FOX’s quotidian ‘pundits on parade’ prime time offerings. How then it gets lost on them that circuit-riding vaudevillian Karl Rove destroys all their ‘good’ work with each appearance is lost on me. Rove’s rodomontades attempting to make a chasm out of the gulch that separates the practically conjoined twins Bush and Obama are pathetic; in the same way those people making fools of themselves on ‘reality’ TV are pathetic.

  6. Mike Marks

    I favor tax cuts for everyone (who pays). I do not favor tax cuts or using the tax code to promote social policy. Most of the language in the volumes and volumes of the tax code deals with credits and punishments for various kinds of behaviors or industries. Tax cuts must also be accompanied by spending cuts. Yes tax cuts will in the end produce more revenue. But in the end we still will end up printing more money unless we end our deficit spending. Clearly both parties are guilty for either fattening or skewering their own set of sows.


    If I were in the Elephant Party and a large Military Spending Bill was evaluated as 99% passable, I’d buy stock in Military Contractors. If I were in the Donkey Party and a large Medical Spending Bill was evaluated as 99% passable, I’d buy stock in Medical Service / Supplies Contractors. Yes, of course, there is a Blind Trust requirement, but if I teach investing to my third grandson on my wife’s side of the family and investments are purchased by his second daughter who changed her name and lives in Bermuda, who will know if I let slip the bidding contractors names? Remember, Information is Power and Wealth when known in advance of the general population and applied towards those goals. Is the game rigged? Ask a Fifth Grader! It’s easy to play with OPM.

  8. Myron Pauli

    I don’t think TAX CUTS are that prudent while we have 2,000,000,000,000 $$ annual deficits. The “consumer” class will just buy 96 inch plasma TV’s from China. The “investor/saver” class will try to invest/save money but the debt monster will not permit a stable business or investment environment. Overall tax levels should probably remain roughly where they are now and SPENDING should come down to match it – that would be the most (fiscally conservative) prudent thing to do – and, naturally, the most Anti-Keynesian.

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