Living Under The Law Of Rule



INSTEAD OF THE RULE OF LAW (to paraphrase a South African politician’s saying). The Justice Department’s civil rights division has ordered the dismissal of one of the worst cases of voter intimidation to come before it because those threatened with batons, and told to prepare to lived under The Black Man were “crackers” and “honkies.” Yes, these epithets were used during the incident too. Via FoxNews:

“A former Justice Department attorney who quit his job to protest the Obama administration’s handling of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case is accusing Attorney General Eric Holder of dropping the charges for racially motivated reasons.
J. Christian Adams, now an attorney in Virginia and a conservative blogger, says he and the other Justice Department lawyers working on the case were ordered to dismiss it.”

Adams gave Fox’s Megyn Kelly an interview, but the EMBED ISN’T LOADING. LATER, THEN.

5 thoughts on “Living Under The Law Of Rule

  1. Myron Pauli

    SELECTIVE and politically motivated enforcement of laws is a sign of corruption on the road to dictatorship.

  2. Gringo Malo

    Why does this surprise anyone? Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, and Abraham Lincoln was right when he said, “And inasmuch as they [i.e, the black and white races] cannot so live [i.e., in a condition of political and social equality], while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior…” For some unknown reason, after the Second World War we became far too wussy to retain the superior position. Henceforward, blacks will rule us as they see fit. Intimidation of white voters will become commonplace. In Obama’s third and subsequent terms, such incidents won’t even be mentioned in the press.

  3. james huggins

    Intimidation of whites by blacks is a way of life. White kids are indoctrinated that they bear some sort of guilt for the past and black kids are indoctrinated that they don’t bear any guilt or responsibility for anything. This plus the blacks natural aggressiveness when they sense weakness in the other party is mostly responsible for the situation. Education, popular culture and the natural tendency of most whites to be law abiding has helped to bring about the position black superiority in the U S and Western Europe. South Africa went down in flames mostly from the efforts of Brits and Americans.

  4. Gringo Malo

    By the way, have you seen this commentary in the Washington Times. The author, a DOJ attorney who resigned this month, states that the New Black Panther Party and similar groups have been given free rein to intimidate white voters, though he doesn’t attribute the order to a particular DOJ official.

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