UPDATED: Republikeynesians Pretend They’re Not Sidelining Paul

Barack Obama,Debt,Democrats,Economy,Elections,Federal Reserve Bank,Foreign Policy,Israel,Republicans,Ron Paul


Megyn Kelly interviewed Ron Paul about the snubbing he has received from the “mainstream media.” “RepubliKeynesians” have been front-and-center in a concerted attempt to ignore Ron Paul’s showing in the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll. One could say that Paul jostled with Mrs. Bachmann for first place, given the 152 votes that separated the two.

Paul sounded strong in the Kelly clip, which has not come online yet. (And he reiterated these Israel-related points, which was gratifying, of course.)

Here is the often dazzlingly brilliant Jon Stewart “savaging the media for treating Paul like he’s the ‘thirteenth floor in a hotel.'” (Via the NYT)

UPDATE (Aug. 17): Jon Stewart is often brilliant, but he is no classical liberal. He’s an economic ignoramus. Classical liberalism is first and foremost about the freedom to make a living. Stewart knows squat about such freedoms.

8 thoughts on “UPDATED: Republikeynesians Pretend They’re Not Sidelining Paul

  1. Steve Hogan

    The media should be ashamed of itself. What a disgraceful and patently transparent attempt to marginalize a candidate. If there’s anyone left on the planet under the delusion that the TV talking heads are even remotely objective, this weekend’s coverage should enlighten them.

  2. Robert Glisson

    In Oklahoma, its called “The good ol boy club.” The top of the ladder, picks the rungs. “Dr. NO” is appointed as ‘ladder holder’ nothing more. Michelle on the other hand, might change things if she and Ron together start building a grass roots constituency that is too big to ignore.

  3. George Pal

    Jon Stewart, loosed from his New York Jewish Democratic liberalism, would be as formidable a personality and influence as ever was in the age of television. If, instead of being generally in the service one political party, he were at the throat of both, he could write his own ticket.

  4. My [NAME_DELETED] i

    The mainstream media ignores crackpots like [NAME_DELETED]

    The NUTCASE who wouldn’t allow poor and minorities to own homes they couldn’t afford:


    The NUTCASE who opposed President Bush’s effort to stop Saddam Hussein from reducing the US to rubble in 2002:


    That NUTCASE who hates our children by opposing the Leave No Child Behind Act:


    which was not only supported by those great conservatives John McCain and Rick Santorum and Fred Thompson and Sam Brownback:


    but was sponsored by that immaculate Prince of Republicanism, John Boehner himself with “Tea Party” Dick Armey and “Libertarian” Bob Barr as co-sponsors.

    The NUTCASE who hates America by voting against the Patriot Act:


    supported by every Congressional Republican save 3.

    The NUTCASE who hates seniors by voting against the Prescription Drug Plan supported by House Republicans by 207 – 19:


    The last time the Republicans ran a NUTCASE who claimed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice”, he was declared psychologically unfit:


    Goldwater was then opposed by Governor Romney who supported moderate Lyndon Johnson in 1964:


    seen here with his “leader of the pack” son, Mitt Romneycare:


    P.S. I’m “nuts” too !!!

    [Bless such nuts as My Ron Pauli. Both of them.]

  5. Graham Strouse

    Jon’s never been a traditional Dem. He’s a left-leaning classical liberal. It’s not so big a stretch. He respects integrity & honesty & he agrees with Paul’s position on idiotic foreign wars. I would dare to say that Jon, like myself, is probably closer to a classical liberal (albeit left-leaning) then anything else.

  6. james huggins

    The Republican establishment has decreed that Ron Paul will not be successful. He is such a crackpot that he would probably clean out the corruption and Democrat collaboration within the Republican establishment. I’m not totally sold on him yet but it doesn’t really matter. He is relegated to the same ash heap as Sarah Palin by both parties. Maybe he’s more presidential than Sarah but both have been marginalized and we’ll never know.

  7. Steve Hogan

    James, “we’ll never know” if we allow that tired narrative to become reality.

    We could very well see a legitimate economic and currency implosion between now and next November. When consumer prices and interest rates are shooting to the moon and unemployment breaks double digits by even the government’s doctored statistics, such an environment has a way of focusing the otherwise pliant majority into thinking about an alternative to the presidential puppets being proposed by the banking/corporate elite.

    You can stand by and watch the country implode, or you can start educating people about the only candidate that can possibly restore our country’s liberties. It’s really that simple.

  8. james huggins

    Steve, I wish it was that simple. No matter how bad it will get, and I’m sure it’s going to get bad, we still have 40% of the country paying no federal taxes, and/or on the dole, food stamps etc. A considerable percentage of the rest are fools who will vote liberal no matter what. The Republican establishment is not the group to challenge this and a third party is doomed from the start. Candidates like Ron Paul will get no chance until they have an organization powerful enough to crack the surface of national politics, especially fighting the media to get his message out to the few voters who actually think. Well, anyway I’m for you.

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