UPDATED: Robert Gates Aka ‘Yoda’ Aka Yaddah-Yaddah, Blah, Blah, Blah …

Barack Obama,Foreign Policy,Military,Republicans,War


Let’s see where on the continuum of stupidity are Republicans situated with respect to the recent revelations of former defense secretary Robert M. Gates.

Eighty two percent of Americans oppose the war in Afghanistan. Like most Americans, B. Hussein Obama, hardly a peacemaker, questioned the mission in that G-d-forsaken hellhole of a country, and was skeptical of the military brass’s motivation in securing for itself a long-term commitment to that theatre of war.

So far, it sounds good to this writer—who has approved of Obama a total of perhaps twice.

What’s Gates, “whose nickname in the Obama White House was Yoda,” on about?

Yoda, Yaddah-Yaddah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

UPDATED (1/13): I heard that Gates cried himself to sleep over the (wasted) lives he was sending to battle. Could he too have had misgivings about the mission?

* NPR Interview.
* WSJ Gates Archive.