The essay, originally titled “South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality,” has appeared on JUNGE FREIHEIT, a German weekly of excellence, which had previously translated and published my weekly column for some years.
The current column is:
“Südafrika nach den Unruhen: Eine Warnung für die USA”
I think I get the well-titled “Eine Warnung für die USA.” A translator would be needed for the rest.
I loved every minute of working with my JUNGE FREIHEIT colleagues, because every one embodies the dying art of courtesy, kindness and professionalism.
Writes the editor:
Thank you for your indeed brilliant text!
We can only confirm, it really is a truly remarkable piece. (We have been given three texts on South Africa, and yours is by far the best. However, even without comparison: it is marvelous!)
A translation of the essay was done speedily amid the crisis of the flooding in Germany. What pros! I pray for the victims, but know that the German people will build back and prevail.
Speaking of manners: Watch out for Mr. Vance and myself on podcast (in the app stores) and YouTube. The latest podcast, out tomorrow is:
“Bearded Men Breast Feeding In Public: Paternal Or Kinky?” At:
The same broadcast will be on YouTube, too, archived and easily accessible here.