Steve Forbes: Johnny-Come-Lately To Gold

Debt,Economy,Elections,Federal Reserve Bank,Media,Ron Paul


The mummified media, the financial press included, called Rep. Ron Paul a lunatic when he explained again and again that “a return to the gold standard by the United States would help the nation solve a variety of economic, fiscal, and monetary ills,” created when President Richard Nixon abolished the Gold Standard.

“Such a move would help to stabilize the value of the dollar, restore confidence among foreign investors in U.S. government bonds, and discourage reckless federal spending. … With a stable currency, it is ‘much harder’ for governments to borrow excessively. … Without lax Federal Reserve System monetary policies that led to the printing of too much money, the housing bubble would not have been nearly as severe.”

You don’t say?!”

Actually, these are Steve Forbes’ words, not Paul’s. Forbes is currently singing from the Paul hymn-sheet, and it is music to the ear.

Of course, this is not to say one should embrace Paul’s political opponents, just because they’ve arrived at the correct economic conclusion, now that it’s probably too late.

Goldbugs know that gold is a necessary financial hedge in the survival on the road to serfdom.

Watch out! Gold is bad for government health. Remember Executive Order 6102? FDR, idolized by BHO and many a Republican alike—by almost all offshoots of the duopoly, in fact—forbade “the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates” at pains of punishment: a fine of “not more than $10,000, or “imprisoned for not more than ten years or both.”

3 thoughts on “Steve Forbes: Johnny-Come-Lately To Gold

  1. Robert Glisson

    I’m not sure the gold standard is the right one, simply because of the problems caused by FDR and that the US policy of redeeming paper with gold, enriched other nations to our peril. However, we do need a standard gold, platinum, tinfoil, something stable. If one looks at American debt before we went off the gold standard and the way it has skyrocketed since,it’s a no brainer. I don’t have the slightest idea of how we can get the present idiotically correct Congress to agree to start making the change.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Forbes is not one of my personal favorites as a big government plutocrat with inherited wealth who thinks that is fine to tax the middle class as long as he and his Yacht club buddies don’t have to pay for all the big government that he advocates. Still, he can always be correct on a few issues.

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