Support The Salahis

Barack Obama,Crime,Criminal Injustice,Fascism,Law,Pop-Culture,The Zeitgeist


Tareq and Michaele Salahi, two reality TV “stars,’ crashed—or livened up—President Obama’s first White House state dinner. The two harmless interlopers, who dared to gaze upon their celestial leader,” are being subjected to an inquisition by the People’s posturing, sneering, fascistic “representatives.”

CNS: “Tareq and Michaele invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination Wednesday, refusing to answer a House committee’s questions about their uninvited appearance at a state dinner.”

Good for them. Apparently, the White House is open only to visits from inner-city kids.

“Crashing a Trashy House”: On the night of the offense, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue “was packed with nasty, noisome parasites. An extra pair would have made no difference. Quite the contrary: There’s something apropos about a couple of reality-show exhibitionists, who themselves ‘have left an extensive paper trail in federal bankruptcy and state court filings,’ brazenly elbowing their way into a party of ponces.”

8 thoughts on “Support The Salahis

  1. Passer by

    I saw this brilliant captioned image that has them in a photo with the Obama’s.

    Barack Obama: Can I see your invitations?
    Michaele: Sure, if I can see your birth certificate.

  2. james huggins

    All it took was two kooks from reality TV to once again prove what a bunch of second rate losers the Obama bunch is.

  3. Van Wijk

    Note the tone and body language of these people. And the presumption of guilt. They are princes deciding the fate of a peasant. They have no respect for the people.

    Particularly nauseating is someone named Lungren, in one of the most condescending displays I’ve seen in a long while, once again striking a brave blow for the federal employees to whom we apparently owe the very air in our lungs. These people are emotionally overwrought, constitutionally illiterate, and completely unqualified for any sort of leadership position.

    [Brilliant. More.–IM]

  4. Robert Glisson

    The law enforcement/security part of me cringes every time I see this reference. What if it had been a suicide bomber and a president I really liked? Well, scratch that part, the really liked part I mean. I don’t think Santa will bring a good prez. We created a whole agency, made a movie with Clint Eastwood about their dedication; and people can still actually walk up to the President anyway. Wow, but one thing I noticed that no one mentions or I missed it. That was, that they asked for a favor. They were the only two that weren’t there to con something out of his royal largeness. Of course that’s a matter of puzzlement to Congress and rates a hearing.

  5. ~greenhell~

    Frankly I wish the Salahis would stop being so polite to their interrogators. There is so much foolish outrage on the part of the House members. Whether it’s actual outrage that one of the common has seen one of the enlightened, or false outrage to conceal their impotence, I don’t know. I do know it makes me ill just to watch it. I’d settle for a decent “F*** You!” from one of the Salahis though.

    Do all of those involved even realize how unimportant they are to the rest of us?

  6. james huggins

    To Greenhell; Once again I comment on your comments. “Stop being polite to their interrogators.” Right on, right on. I get sick of watching Senators, Congress People and various bureaucrats talking down to CEOs, Generals and various other citizens, forgetting that they are nothing but glorified civil service clerks who work for the people instead of avenging angels casting pearls to the swine. If these government leeches had to actually do the jobs of the people they are browbeating they would be in tears before lunch the first day on the job. Imagine a dolt like Maxine Waters actually trying to run and oil company.

  7. Jack Slater

    Ah, the illustrious Dan Lungren of California. Career politician, currently representing his third different district since 1979. Such pomposity reveals a total absence of pulchritude, demonstrating that which is vile and perverse. If only the Sons of Liberty would arrive in that chamber with hot tar and feathers at the ready to provide us with some honest entertainment!

  8. Myron Pauli

    It is supposed to be the PEOPLE’S house but rather has become the Royal Seat of the Global Empire. And these ordinary showoff mortals dared to crash into the Pearly Gates!

    So one of the Congress-idiots asked “Did you send in your Social Security Number”? That number is supposed to be used ONLY for tax purposes (although I consider the whole SS nonsense to be Unconstituional). So Mr. Salahi refused to answer whether he submitted his “number” to the poohbahs.

    Actually, if Salahi spoke his mind, he could have been cited for “Contempt of Congress”, which is a pseudo-crime that 75% of Americans are guilty of.

    In all fairness to Barack, the last President who didn’t act like some pompous monarch was probably Jimmy Carter – but he had 1000 other flaws.

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