Swearing Sombreros

Conservatism,Donald Trump,Education,Etiquette,Family,IMMIGRATION,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim


Conservatives are so like liberals in their parenting philosophy. They see a small kid in a sombrero swearing at Donald Trump’s supporters—and they shout exploitation. Poor little vipers are being exploited by their parents.

Crap. And hand me a brown bag.

Feral kids are foul, be they liberal, conservative, free-range kids or swearing sods in Sombreros. A good hiding in public would cure all. And I haven’t even commented on the great citizens these crappy kids will grow up to make. What an intake.

Kids making America great:

The kids, wearing sombreros and ironically holding signs reading “No hate,” screamed “F*ck you!” repeatedly at the passing motorists.

One of the children in the center of the action could be seen wearing a Bernie Sanders sticker.

Hillary Clinton campaign signs could also be seen in the crowd.

One sign reads “F*ck You Puto.”

“Puto” means “male prostitute” in Spanish.