The Defunct Foundations Of The Republic

Classical Liberalism,Constitution,Democrats,Founding Fathers,Individual Rights,Natural Law,Reason,Republicans


From my new, WND.COM column, “The Defunct Foundations Of The Republic”:

“In the course of the agonizing debates over the soon-to-be-merged Senate and House health-care bills, Republicans cried out for partisanship, griped about procedure and said next to nothing about principles, an accusation that cannot be directed at the Democrats.

‘Health care in America ought to be a right, not a privilege,’ thundered Sen. Christopher J. Dodd. The Democrat from Connecticut was expressing sentiments that are par for the course in Democrat discourse.

Nancy Pelosi’s core beliefs vis-à-vis conscripting individuals into buying (or providing) a commodity at the pains of punishment came across loud and quirky. When the House passed its hulking health-care legislation, the speaker was asked where in the Constitution is the warrant for individual health mandates. Pelosi’s response was for posterity. ‘Are you serious?’ she shot back.

No, Democrats are not in the habit of hiding how they feel about the US Constitution.

As much as he dislikes the philosophical foundations of the republic, the president seems to know – and prattle – about them more so than do the Republicans. Here’s Sen. Barack Obama talking about the document Republicans discount and Democrats deem dated”…

The complete column is “The Defunct Foundations Of The Republic.”

My libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society, is back in print. The Second Edition features bonus material. Get your copy (or copies) now!

A Happy New Year to all,

8 thoughts on “The Defunct Foundations Of The Republic

  1. Bill Foley

    Yes, the chatter from the left regarding inalienable rights is extremely loud, but the silence from the “so-called” opposition right is deafening.

    What else can we expect, schools teach a perverse version of history with an oppressive America, one that is no better than any other country any other country. Where only the government can save us from ourselves.

    A poorly educated citizenry will be our downfall because the sheep have been led astray by a politically motivated, agenda driven education system and both sides of the aisle find true liberty of the governed something to be avoided at all costs.

    Most of our countrymen have no idea what inalienable means, let alone how to truly exercise these God given right especially when “DANCING WITH THE STARS” is on TV.

    Our Comfort makes us weak and our lack of knowledge makes the political rulers strong.

    A lethal combination to be sure.

  2. Bill Foley

    Yes, the chatter from the left regarding inalienable rights is extremely loud, but the silence from the “so-called” opposition right is deafening.

    What else can we expect, schools teach a perverse version of history with an oppressive America, one that is no better than any other country. Where only the government can save us from ourselves.

    A poorly educated citizenry will be our downfall because the sheep have been led astray by a politically motivated, agenda driven education system and both sides of the aisle find true liberty of the governed something to be avoided at all costs.

    Most of our countrymen have no idea what inalienable means, let alone how to truly exercise these God given rights especially when “DANCING WITH THE STARS” is on TV.

    Our Comfort makes us weak and our lack of knowledge makes the political rulers strong.

    A lethal combination to be sure.

  3. John McClain, GySgt, USMC, Vanceboro, NC

    The real issue today is reduced to whether actual “rights”, as found by natural law, which is entirely founded on self evident truths, are to continue to be the foundation of our law and the character of our Nation, as they were at its inception, and have been to diminishing degrees ever since, or whether a stulified populace, content with indoctrination, will propel us into accepting government as being self restraining, with no over-arching legal controlling authority, and providing us priviledges, and calling them rights, at the cost of complete loss of personal liberty and actual rights, or will we convince a majority of Americans to learn what they need to know, to recognise the nature of this challenge, face it down by laying claim to their Natural rights, and simply not accepting any attempt to take them from us.
    The character of nations without any “legally controlling authority” is well documented throughout history, as that is the natural state of government, having been acquired by the right of force, first and foremost. There is a Free State, now under full scale attack, having lost much of its inherent character and most important traits under the constant press towards government superceding the “consent of the governed” at every oportunity, and we, the people, allowing it to do so, which is standing on the precipice of its principles and founding, needing only a slight push, to move it past those standards and becoming a government with subjects over which it rules, in order that some can have the privileges which such governments can extend as if such were rights, without having to accomplish those things which earn a free and independent people the fruits of their labor, and thus the property they have as a natural right, by the act of their labor and earning.
    There is only one Nation with this question at its face, every other Nation in the world considers its government to precede its people, and to therefore have authority over them, by the nature of precedence, where we are founded on the principle that people obviously preceded government, as we existed without it, until we found it necessary to institute, in order to maintain control of the society which naturally springs up when an abundance of people are using the same area.
    People have been writing for about eight thousand years. In all that time, nations have been put together by power and force, and this has always been considered the natural way. Only a short two hundred and forty years ago, the actual establishment of a government, by its constituents, was conceived of as a rational form of government which conformed to the principles of natural law, and self evident truths. It is this Nation which is in the throes of deciding whether to remain the Free and Independent Nation, or whether it will join with the world, and end the last best experiment in governance.
    The willingness of our people to educate themselves about our form of State, and the inherent values therein, and the willingness to confront those who deny and disparage the value of this unique form and heritage, and fight to retain it, is all that is left in question.
    We will be a free Nation, or we will join with the world and cease to be anything but another dictatorial state ruled by whims, absent completely, any logical connection with “law”, and becoming only a nation of force, as all other Nation have proven out to be. Only an avid and active people who refuse to live under the rule of others is sufficient to keep what was bequeathed to the posterity of our founders. Only such a people are capable of bequeathing the same thing to their own posterity. What we choose speaks directly to what we think of the future of man, and the value of our “posterity”, our descendants who have not yet even been conceived. Fear and Weakness of the Spirit will determine which it will be. Fear has always been with man, but it has not always ruled him. We shall choose whether it rules us, or we rule ourselves.
    John McClain
    GySgt, USMC, ret.

  4. Myron Pauli

    Happy 1/1/10. BOTH parties deliver political poison in the forms of big government, Global Empire, and socialized medicine. Democrats label their poison “welfare” and Republicans fraudulently call theirs “capitalism” only to make capitalism look bad!

    The modern America is not that bright but it does suffer from too much “education”. “Education” in this country resembles some North Korea indoctrination, slopped with psycho-babble feelgood assurances and political correctness. Outside of the sciences and engineering (which are over 50% “foreign” in America), education is mostly garbage. The “students” of the law schools and business schools merely learn how to become parasitical leeches to suck off actual productivity and run legitimate businesses into the ground, suck off Uncle Sam, sue real innovators, and blackmail the rest of the population.

    We may witness an inversion of the traditional pattern where talented intellectuals from outside America came HERE to breathe free. Soon, the productive people of America will set up health clinics, businesses, and factories in India… to be free of the politicians who conjure up new “rights” for the parasitical class to leech off on behalf of a ever-enlarging permanent welfare population of the “helpless/children/elderly..”. Galt’s Gulch could be in Belize in 2025.

  5. Chris Condon

    Much of the demand for healthcare and other government programs is derived from the progressive tax system. Progressive taxes enable the majority to impose upon a wealthier minority higher taxes that the majority does not have to pay. Human nature being what it is, if the majority can impose taxes on a wealthien minority that the majority itself does not have to pay, then there is nothing to stop them from imposing confiscatory taxes on the wealthy. In the end, the greedy majority inevitably demands extravagant levels of government spending because they know that they will not have to share the burden.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Let me modify Chris Condon’s 2nd sentence:

    DEBT enables the living to impose bigger government than they are themselves willing and able to support.

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