UPDATE V: ‘The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin’



Given the perpetual parade of “intellectuals” who are not intelligent in our media—Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and the “parrot press”—I don’t expect many Americans to be familiar with political philosopher Paul E. Gottfried. Nevertheless, Paul (he’s a friend) is one of the most important intellectuals in the United States. In “The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin,” he writes:

“A recent syndicated column by Michelle Malkin indicates what happens to interesting conservative commentators when they sign on as GOP flacks: They become predictable Republican mouthpieces and attack dogs against the Dems. For years I read Michelle with delight as she railed against weak-kneed politicians in both parties. She was murder on Republicans as well as Democrats—indeed, on anyone who truckled to the Hispanic immigration lobby. Even more refreshingly, she never indulged any politicians who caterwauled about victimized minorities. Michelle happily banged around the NAACP and other groups that played the victim card. The fact that she’s Filipino may have allowed her to get away with some of her rhetoric, but I doubt that particular ethnic background has provided her with much benefit. Being a devoutly Catholic Filipino doesn’t bring much in the way of liberal grace. That identity is far less useful than being an angry black woman like Michelle Obama screaming against American white racism.
“Yes, there is corruption in the Democratic Party, but this disease is hardly limited to those who bear the ‘D’ label.”

Then I noticed Michelle editorializing against corruption in the Democratic Party. On December 10, 2008, she began her new career with a long screed for National Review Online on the “Democratic Culture of Corruption.” After a series of polemics against Reid, Pelosi, and Barney Frank on Fox and in the usual GOP venues, Michelle came out with a well-publicized book, The Culture of Corruption, thanks to the tiresomely Republican publishing house Regnery. …”


While I agree with Paul—and have expressed similar misgivings, for example here and here— I still harbor some fondness for Malkin and Coulter. Yes, they are of and for the mainstream, but they both have talent.

Next, Paul needs to tackle the second-tier, mezzanine-level, Republican tart brain trust: SE Cupp, Margaret Hoover, and similar heavy hitting idiots, who’ve never uttered an original thought, and whose writing is like Ann Coulter’s vomit (to paraphrase Kevin Michael Grace).

UPDATE I: I have to disagree with Brett Gerasim on the wonderful job Mouths of the Republican mainstream are doing. Someone who spouts half-truths is still a wholesale liar. Moreover, he/she lacks the intellectual wherewithal to grasp the whole picture—of what a devotion to limited authority and republican virtues actually mean.

UPDATE II: Prof. Gottfried replies:

“Like Ilana, I would prefer to listen to Michelle or Ann than someone like Sean Hannity. But that’s not the issue I address in my commentary. What irks me is that perfectly intelligent and highly articulate conservative commentators have turned themselves into GOP hacks to advance their careers. This is not something that Ilana or I, even if we had the opportunity to sell out, would be likely to do. Moreover, Michelle and Ann would hardly be paupers even if they behaved with dignity and stopped kissing up to the GOP. They raked in loads of money before assuming their present abject roles. Although I’ve only heard him a few times, I have a much more positive impression of Mike Savage, who is quite happy to sock it to both of our zombie parties. Savage does not look as if he’s hurting financially because he’s failed to line up.”

UPDATE III: I think Paul takes for granted his analytical gifts. My good friend imagines that these women are capable of his insights, but are holding back. But anyone with such well-honed herd instincts is not that bright. Both are brighter than average, but that’s not saying much in “Age of the idiot,” as my father has termed the times in which we live.

Coulter is smarter than Malkin. Malkin believes every warring word she’s ever uttered. Ditto Monica Crowley, who is no fool, but is a statist to the core. These ladies are limited in their analytical capacities and in their individualism. Their integrity is also capped.

UPDATE IV (June 24): MONICA MINDLESS? I made a horrible mistake. Prof. Gottfried was kind enough to correct me:

“I agree with your update. By the way, I knew Monica Crowley when she was still serving drinks for Richard Nixon during my visits to the former president’s home in New Jersey. She is far less clever and pretty than Michelle or Ann. Paul.”

6 thoughts on “UPDATE V: ‘The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin’

  1. Westie

    Thank you Ilana! I found your blog recently as I’ve completed a necessary transition into the true order of modern Conservatism/Libertarian thinking and away from the late Buckley ‘Progressive’ Conservationism. Your French vs American Revolution post is excellent especially as it cites the historic legacy of both…I just read & highly recommend Andrew White’s book about the French Revolution’s amazing currency debasement via issuance of fiat money, “Fiat Money Inflation in France”. It may be read ‘FREE’ @ Mises.org or Amazon.I’m looking forward to reading “Into the Cannibal’s Pot”. Thanks for the good work you do.

  2. Brett Gerasim

    Coulter, Limbaugh, Malkin, and a handful of others definitely have the minds and abilities to see the whole picture and act on it if they choose. It is frustrating that they blunt their impact by at selling out in varying degrees to the establishment, and I am inclined to think that none of them would have their present careers were it not for their once edgy, rugged individualistic ways.

    For now, they do a wonderful job of highlighting precisely half of the problems and contradictions of American politics, and society in general. They can do better, and I hope that they will again someday.

  3. Brett Gerasim

    Do they grasp it and sell out, or do they just not get it, though? More importantly, does it matter? Hacks are hacks, but something causes us to divide the establishment hacks into tiers. I do not think Mr. Gottfried picked Malkin, and to a lesser extent Coulter, at random. Could such a piece be written about Miss McCain? I think not.

  4. james huggins

    Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin are not hacks. They aren’t always right but then neither are all you elitists. I listen to Limbaugh on a daily basis and he spends almost as much time berating the Republican establishment as he does the Democrats. Malkin seems much the same. Coulter, not so much but all three go for the throat of our greatest enemy the liberal, left, democrat machine. Let’s win the country back from the abyss of a socialist dark age before we start nit picking some of our best soldiers. I’m reminded of the love starved fellow who turned down a date with Miss Universe because she had boney ankles.

  5. CompassionateFascist

    In agreement with Huggins. Coulter, Malkin, Limbaugh do an excellent job taping the lies and scams of the Left. Malkin and Limbaugh also hammer the lib wing of the Republicans. Limbaugh in particular reads Zero Hedge, learns from it, and lately has attacked crony capitalists, bankers, Fed. I have no problems with any of these people, especially inasmuch as Ron Paul and “classical liberalism” leave me completely cold: open borders (sweatshopping) and free trade (job outsourcing) are as much a cause of our present catastrophe as anything the Fed has done.

  6. Brett Gerasim


    Thank you for taking the time to reply to what I posted, and to run it past Prof. Gottfried. I would also like to thank Prof. Gottfried for responding as well. Due dilligence is a rarity today, and I appreciate it. I realize that neither of you are likely to sell out, which is why I enjoy your work and spend quite a deal more time here than on other sites. It is also nice to have intelligent responses in the comments section, as opposed to the flame war garbage that is typical elsewhere.

    I listen to Dr. Savage from time to time, although he is on at feeding time and the reception is often poor out there. He would have proved a better example than Limbaugh in my original comment. He seems sincere, if not a bit harsh. Far be it from me to criticize someone for having high standards, though.

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