The Obama Media Orgy

Barack Obama,Media,Morality


From my new WND column, “The Obama Media Orgy:

“… during her schmaltzy speech at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama dogmatically recited the need to transform ‘the world as it is’ to ‘the world as it should be.’ She and her husband have been working on a central plan to better the world. Alas, changing George Obama’s fortunes is not in the blueprints. (How about some ill-fitting hand-me-downs, at least?)

As hard as it is to lend spiritual credibility to Michelle’s hubristic insolence, those with messianic complexes like hers might contemplate the Jewish concept of tikkun olam. It sounds grandiose—it means repairing the world—but it was intended as a humble and modest thing. It is the duty of the individual to help, bit-by-bit, to bring about a better world through unassuming, day-to-day righteous acts.

The idea of charity is to improve society, not the State; and to do so through personal, not political, acts.”

Read the complete column, “The Obama Media Orgy, on WND.

7 thoughts on “The Obama Media Orgy

  1. Ira Newborn

    Re: Media orgies and politics in general, alas, though they are gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn they still have powerful gravitational fields.

  2. Steve Stip

    Who would have guessed that decades of crummy government schools (Is there any other kind?) would bring us to this pitiful state of affairs?

  3. Myron Pauli

    Daddy Barack gave his kid a good complexion and a compelling story, without which, our erstwhile hero would just be some unknown freshman senator from Chicago. Daddy Hussein, like a lot of black “fathers” also proceeded to pollinate several other women of various hues. I am not sure that Junior owes his relatives more than I would be financially or emotionally obligated if some Chinese strangers told me they share some DNA with my adopted daughter. Nevertheless, many leftist/Democrat types, so generous with the “public” money, are often the stingiest personally. I am not so certain that being a “community organizer” which, coincidentally leads to the State and US Senates and the Presidency really qualifies one as the great “personal sacrifice” that the Democrats made it out to be. {{Arguably, dropping bombs on 3rd world countries from 40,000 ft. in undeclared wars in order to assert American power does not, per se, automatically elevate the pilot to the status of “hero” either}}. However, the great Messiah whose wife got a huge salary increase while her Senator-husband channeled grant earmarks to Michelle’s hospital has repeatedly told the masses that we are ALL our brother’s keeper – ALL, not him!

  4. Bob Blaze

    Your column today equates Russia’s invasion of Georgia with President Bush’s going into Iraq. It seems that Iraq invaded Kuwait in an attempt to exert control over the region and was rebuffed by a coalition of like-minded nations. Iraq then proceeded to thumb its nose at the world and the U.N., and most of the world thought he had WMD. The President probably lost the chance of discovering what Iraq really had by taking the time to go through the U.N. and to organize a coalition of like-minded nations.
    On the other hand, Russia first antagonized Georgia and did everything in its power to bait Georgia into some action to use as an excuse to UNILATERALLY invade a sovereign nation, purposely target civilians, and to exert control over the region.

    Corrective Reading:
    “War Apologists Still Unapologetic”
    Bush’s 16 words miss the Big Picture
    Just War for Dummies
    And More Here

  5. Myron Pauli

    Two items: (1) To Steve Stip – although my Ron Paul is # 1, my name really is Myron Pauli – you can put it in quotes and google it. Thanks to John McCain, you can even read which candidates I have contributed $$ to! (2) For Bob Blaze – (a) Bush # 1 went into Iraq due to the invasion of Kuwait – that problem was resolved and no way justifies Bush # 2’s “liberation”. (b) By the way, I am quite certain the Georgians will have plenty of IED’s ready the longer the Russians tool around the mountains – and the Ossetians/Azbakhians will have theirs ready for the Georgians. (c) But the 50 sovereign states of the US are not endangered by these Caucasian blood feuds – hence they are not our business whatsoever (d) As for WMD’s – it is a nonsense term that mixes poison gas capability with nuclear warheads
    – the former is trivial and Saddam was nowhere near having the latter.

  6. Indian Anglophile

    To Sen. Obama:

    In your recent speech you said of Sen. McCain,”It’s not because John McCain doesn’t care, it’s because John McCain doesn’t get it.”

    Fair enough.

    After hearing and reading about your utter disregard of your own brother in Kenya, I would like to ask you this, ” Do you even care ?”

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