The Parasites Pursue The Productive

Business,John McCain,Private Property,Taxation,Technology


The greatest company in the world, Apple, is also an “American job provider that employs 600,000 people.” Our elected Grand Inquisitors, who’ve never created wealth—only seized and distributed other people’s money—want what does not belong to them: the stash of Apple and its shareholders.

To that end, the Torquemadas of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations summoned Apple’s Timothy Cook to justify the company’s tax strategies.

That Apple uses creative ways to keep more of its private property is a good thing, and is reason to cheer the company on. It is just and good that property remain privately owned. While economic efficiency is secondary to the issue of natural justice, more private property in the hands of its rightful owners (Apple and shareholders) means greater prosperity for all.

And at last a Young Turk has taken on John McMussolini:

[Rand] Paul went on to accuse the committee of “bullying” one of America’s greatest companies, prompting Sen. John McCain to quickly defend the inquiry and say that Paul’s remarks were “frankly, offensive.”

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