The Pseudoscientific Method Of ‘Climate Change’

Environmentalism & Animal Rights,Pseudoscience,Reason,Science


“Evidence that contradicts the global warming theory, climate Chicken Littles enlist as evidence for the correctness of their theory; every permutation in weather patterns—warm or cold—is said to be a consequence of that warming or proof of it.” That was “Reincarnation of the Reds,” my 2006 article which first articulated the “scientific” principle that undergirds “climate change.” Back in 2006, when I wrote the piece, the movement was still called global warming.

The media continue to blow hot air about global warming, as much of the country’s South and Northeast looks as though it is heralding an Ice Age. If you want to master the watermelons’ scientific methods, here’s more from “Reincarnation of the Reds”:

“These mutant Marxists have had to create a theory that can’t be falsified—the kind of ‘theory’ Karl Popper referred to as irrefutable. As Popper reminded us, ‘A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is,’ of course, ‘non-scientific.”

Here’s how you use the Socratic method to question a climate kook with the hope that reason will prevail. It never does.

3 thoughts on “The Pseudoscientific Method Of ‘Climate Change’

  1. Hans

    Very funny clip Ilana. The last part of the conversation where the guy remarks that debates about global warming does not involve accusations of racism, and she then says they are looking into that made me think of an article I recently read.
    The link is posted below. Apparently the MEC for some department wants to know why lightning storms claim more lives in rural areas (where mostly Africans reside). Although written tongue in cheek style it does make one wonder where SA’s “leaders” got their education from. In fact it is not even about lack of education but rather lack of complete logic.

    This being my first posting since returning from December holidays I would like to whish all your readers and yourself a great new year.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Since the sun is scheduled to become a Red Giant (a few years after the country goes bankrupt!), Global Warming will indeed occur. All we are debating is the “when”. In fact, I will put my own scientific reputation on the line by predicting that it will be warmer in America 6 months from now than it is today!

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