Totaling Health Care For The Few Uninsured



I can’t say that Obama is bankrupting the country for the ostensible benefit of 26 or so million people, because the US is already insolvent, courtesy of this president and his predecessor. What I can do is present you with the number of uninsured, mostly by choice—prudent choice, given this demographic’s youth and risk—for whom the traitor-in-chief is burying the medical profession, and with it my health care and yours.

According to the Census Bureau report “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007” (p. 20), “In 2007, the percentage and number of children under 18 years old without health insurance were 11.0 percent and 8.1 million, lower than they were in 2006—11.7 percent and 8.7 million (Table 6). Although the uninsured rate for children in poverty decreased to 17.6 percent in 2007, from 19.3 percent in 2006, children in poverty were more likely to be uninsured than all children.

The uninsured rate and number of
uninsured for non-Hispanic Whites
decreased in 2007 to 10.4 percent
and 20.5 million (from 10.8 percent
and 21.2 million in 2006). The uninsured
rate for Blacks decreased to
19.5 percent in 2007 from 20.5 percent
in 2006. The number of uninsured
Blacks in 2007 was not statistically
different from 2006, at 7.4
million. (Table 6).

The percentage and number of
uninsured Hispanics were 32.1 percent
and 14.8 million in 2007,
lower than 34.1 percent and 15.3
million in 2006 (Table 6).

DOES anyone care to do the honors and total the number of people, of whom at least 15 million are illegal aliens, for whom the health care of the majority of Americans will be sacrificed? Be my guest.

4 thoughts on “Totaling Health Care For The Few Uninsured

  1. Brittancus


    The injury court case of Luis Jimenez, an illegal alien from Guatemala, who was a patient at the Martin Memorial Medical Center in South Florida, will have far reaching impact, regarding mandated laws and open a very large can of worms. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (42 U.S.C. § 1395dd, EMTALA) is a United States Act of Congress passed in 1986. Hospital and ambulance services must impart care to anyone needing emergency treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay.

    The only problem with this is that this federal mandated law never pays the full amount to the institution, if any? So the hospital passes it on to other patients, the insurance company, which once again the costs fall on the taxpayer. Whoever this individual was working for at the time of his accident, should be forced to pay part or all hospital services. Jimenez’s lawsuit seeks nearly $1 million to cover the estimated lifetime costs of his care in Guatemala, because the hospital tried to relieve themselves of the financial burden.

    The hospital spent more than $1.5 million on his care, over three years of treatment for his brain damage. If Washington pushes a Path to Citizenship, we can expect spiraling costs for the 20 plus million of legalized person who is already in our sovereign nation. I myself want an alternative to the corruption and greed, shown by insurance companies, which is a government run agency.

    By enacting Immigration of reform, millions will demand health care, Pensions, retirement and a rush on government benefits. For those who haven’t already cheated the system, will be a major catastrophe for every taxpayer. On being given a green card they can immediately sponsor their family members. Once here, they can immediately place the burden of sick, handicapped and those with mental disorders, in the hands of welfare services.

    WE should then be prepared to receive millions of more illegal aliens, who have absconded from their own country, to take advantage of US taxpayers. All Americans should watch this court case carefully, because the implications are sky high taxes. Clogged health care services, education for every child and section 8 housing, along with every benefit, citizens and permanent residents have no knowledge of; will be the absolute outcome of Obama’s AMNESTY. Get on the phone and tell your politician, you support THE SAVE ACT . Support for the bi-partisan SAVE Act, which will expand E-Verify and protect American jobs! Focuses on the heart of the problem-the jobs that attract illegal aliens. It would phase in a requirement for every employer to use the electronic verification system.

    [This is too long. If you want to post in the future again, adhere to the posting policy.]

  2. Max

    Here is a point to contact your representatives about: Per the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, (

    “The bill mandates a sweeping mental health parity, which could well encompass all 374 diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) and opens the door to coverage for everything from phase of life problem to sibling rivalry disorder. The costs would be horrendous.
    Psychiatric patients are traditionally “cured” when their insurance benefits run out. In this bill, those benefits never run out. And without anything other than a psychiatrist’s opinion about whether or not the person’s “illness” is “cured,” this legislation becomes nothing more than taxpayer funded billions to psychiatrists, who will continue their jihad of mass drugging of Americans.”

  3. Andrew T.

    When the President of the United States tells the media that a major “overhaul” (read: nationalized expansion) of the health care system is necessary to amend the economic downturn (!) — and Americans readily believe it — we know we have real problems.

  4. nobama

    Your point is something that the MSM never mentions. The reason we continue to have “poverty” and people without insurance is because we continue to import millions of people each year who are poor and have no insurance.

    It’s like trying to fix a leak in a ship and you have these idiot politicians drilling new holes in the hull and telling you to bail the water out faster because what they’re doing isn’t working.

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