UPDATED: “Trayvon Martin’s Filthy Porno-esque Tweets” (Facts Vs. Context)

Criminal Injustice,Justice,Law,Morality,Pop-Culture


“Trayvon Martin’s Filthy Porno-esque Tweets,” writes the uncompromising Debbie Schlussel, “would make even Larry Flynt blush.”

Read on.

UPDATE (March 29): Eric, you are correct. As I write in my upcoming weekly column, “Granted, Trayvon’s tweets are not germane to the facts of his slaying. They are, nonetheless, telling.” The Courts in recent decades have moved to strip a prosecution or a defense of the legitimate contextual arguments (such as priors) that go to character and motive. For example, the stripper in the Duke lacrosse case was a shady sort who shook down others. This, we are supposed to believe, had no relevance in the Nifonging of the players. So I think a full picture of this boy and his shooter are relevant to the inquiry. I’m for more, not fewer, facts, so long as they are not confused with the facts of the crime.

Check back for the column tonight.

3 thoughts on “UPDATED: “Trayvon Martin’s Filthy Porno-esque Tweets” (Facts Vs. Context)

  1. Eric

    So, I guess because of his tweets it’s okay to hunt him down, confront, and then kill him? I’ve been reading you too long to know that you are not even suggesting that, so why bring up the tweets? It’s irrelevant. The relevant question in this case is did Zimmerman have the authority to go after someone who did nothing wrong. The answer is no. Plain and simple. This not that difficult to figure out.

  2. Myron Pauli

    In this video, oppressed blacks, upset by the genocidal attacks by the White-Hispanic-Asian-Indian-Eskimo racist oppressors, liberate a Walgreen’s in North Miami Beach:


    Although over 200,000 blacks have been murdered since 2000 in America by blacks, what is important is to focus on the once-per-decade Gavin Cato or Trevon Martin and demagogue about the evil Whites/Jews/Hispanics … Reverend Al has an excellent track record.

    I recently re-watched the 6 part You Tube video “Fires In The Mirror” about the Crown Heights riots – triggered by Sharpton and other local “activists” in response to an auto accident. A rather compelling dramatization:


    Meanwhile, the calls for the lynching of George Zimmerman by the New Panther Party shows that lynch mob hysteria is not confined to white rednecks.

    Like Tawana Brawley, Freddie’s Fashion Mart riots, and Crown Heights riots, Rev. Al Sharpton has an excellent track record.


    … and Lemrick Nelson, the kid who was inspired to stab Yankel Rosenbaum in the Crown Heights Riots – he has an exemplary (criminal) record and himself got stabbed in the head by an ice pick 19 years later (probably by a black man or we would have had more riots no doubt…)


    The 83% minority jury that exonerated Nelson partied with him and his defense attorneys afterwards!


  3. Mike D

    I also read an article that a majority of these less than unsavory tweets are actually quoted lyrics from Lil’ Wayne songs. As much as I hate Lil Wayne and everything he represents, musically and culturally, I feel its less controversial that a teenager is quoting the shitty music of his peers/generation.

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