Upbraiding Police State Britannia

Britain,Foreign Policy,Homeland Security,Republicans


Mitt Romney must be really confused if he equates being bold and unafraid about articulating conservative principles, with going abroad to upbraid the British. Show our English cousins some respect, will you, Mr. Romney! After all, they are every bit as capable as Americans of running a police state.

The 2012 fascistic Olympics will be just fab; the pride and joy of a nation of sheep (and shopkeepers).

As far as I can tell, Romney didn’t say anything that bad. You be the judge:

“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” Mr. Romney told NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.

And Mitt was quick to assume his obsequious pose, showing deference to any and all, not least to protocol: “‘Discussions of foreign policy should be made by the president and the current administration, not by those that are seeking office,’ he said, in an unusually deferential bow to his rival.”