Vaclav Finger-In-The-Dyke Klaus

Classical Liberalism,EU,Europe,Regulation,Socialism


The Euroskeptic Czech President Vaclav Klaus continues to valiantly oppose the European Union for its sovereignty sundering supranational regulation. He has “stubbornly refuses to fly the EU flag.” However, now it looks as though he may be required to capitulate:

Klaus, “a fierce critic of all things related to the European Union, is the only thing standing between Europe’s élite club and its mighty future. Until he signs the Lisbon Treaty — the Czech Republic is the last holdout among E.U. members — the E.U.’s grand reform plan remains in limbo. While politicians across the continent have spent weeks wringing their hands, trying to figure out how to compel Klaus to sign the document, the majority of Czechs are standing behind their leader. …

Although Klaus is fiercely opposed to the treaty, which aims to overhaul the E.U.’s decision-making procedures and establish a full-time President of the union, it’s looking more likely that he will grudgingly sign it. He is bound by the Czech constitution to approve the document after the parliament endorsed it and he indicated in an interview last weekend that it was probably too late to derail the process.”


Background: “Adieu to the Evil EU”

5 thoughts on “Vaclav Finger-In-The-Dyke Klaus

  1. George Pal

    from the linked article:
    “Diplomats have griped that the Czech Republic’s standing in the E.U. has hit a new low, with some talking about how the country could be denied a seat in the next European Commission.”

    Just what is it that goes into the making of “diplomats” these days? The irony seems to be lost on the striped pants set – capitulate or be denied a part in the procedure of your capitulation. What true democrat could resist a deal so democratic?

  2. M. B. Moon

    Literally everything I know about Czechs
    is good. And the one person I knew of Czech descent was outstanding.

    Silly, wicked centralizers:

    Evil needs a hierarchy;
    The Lord needs no such thing.
    If one wants to bring on evil,
    bring on that one-world thing.

  3. Jamie

    I admire his stance, but if he is a real man of integrity and not just another politician he does have a choice. He can put what is right before personal ambition and resign.

  4. Myron Pauli

    That neocon hero, Woodrow Wilson, refused Emperor Karl’s peace offers and insisted on breaking up the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When Karl abdicated, the German-speaking parts became a republic:

    However, Dr. “ethnic self-determination” Wilson, the only other incumbent President to win a Nobel Peace Prize – insisted on handing the German-speaking parts of Austria over to the new artificial entity of Czechoslovakia. He also continued the starvation blockade of Germany and Austria AFTER they agreed to his “peace without victory” Armistice. My grandmother told me about being dependent on US aid packages during that period. The results of these boundaries were that the largest political party in the 1935 Czechoslovak election was the pro-Nazi Sudeten German Party – Versailles begat Hitler and the Anschluss and the 1938-1939 destruction of the Czechoslovak republic. Thank you, Nobelist Woody.

    Now, the same arrogant meddling Wilsonian mentality wants to screw up the independence and sovereignty of Europe. The statist bureaucrats will stomp on property rights and liberties of Europeans who can only vote IN FAVOR of this EU Caliphate (any vote against never counts!).

    Hopefully, the Czechs keep a right to secede from this Megastate monstrosity and that Klaus keeps resisting.

  5. Bob Harrison

    Ironically, the major sticking point is the potential for Germans to sue for land lost after WWII. The Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, and the former Yugoslav states all had sizable German populations that were forcibly relocated after WWII. One can hardly blame the central Europeans for wanting to be rid of the Germans after WWII, but this was mainly the doing of Stalin, along with completely redrawing Poland’s borders to suit Russian interests. Slovakia and Poland are also becoming uneasy about the dominant role Germany would play in a strengthened EU. It’s almost as if they are all better off in their own nation-states…

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