Why Weep For Joy?

Barack Obama,Elections 2008,Race,South-Africa


Would I weep for Joy if a Jew were elected president of the US? No (especially given my tribe’s leftist penchant). But Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey (who catapulted Obama from anonymity), and Jessie Jackson wept for Obama’s triumph. Caught in a drama of their own making.

Now, if Americans were as good at driving a bargain as they were at coming out in droves for Obama, they’d insist that the media and their minders in Washington quit smearing them as racists. Quit talking about how those rednecks have come along way; talk about a people who do not judge a man by the color of his skin.

As some of us have always contended, Anglo-Americans are no racists.

If anything, American minorities are more deserving of the pejorative since most stated quite openly that they voted for Obama because they perceived his run as a triumph for their side. But of course, as one petty government official once wrote:

“In the United States, at present, only whites can be racists since whites dominate and control the institutions that create and enforce American cultural norms and values. … All white individuals in our society are racist, even those who have no conscious prejudice because they receive benefits distributed by a white, racist society thoughts institutions.” (Frederick Lynch, 1989)

Don’t expect the charge to be dropped when the founding people of America no longer control its institutions. As is evident from South Africa, if white, one can be among a disenfranchised minority, yet still be considered racist.

6 thoughts on “Why Weep For Joy?

  1. Myron Pauli

    Three factors in favor of the “weeping”: (1) While the slave may hate the master as much or more than the master hates the slave, it is the master’s opinion that counts. Hence, white racism mattered more during slavery/segregation than any black racism. (2) A Jew being elected President of a philo-Semitic country like the US would not be a big deal. {Heck, if Lieberman – the ultimate Warfare-Welfare Statist, I would weep in sadness.} A Jew becoming head of Syria, however, might be something meaningful. So perhaps, in light of previous Jim Crowism, the coronation of a biracial man as Emporer-Diety (sometimes known as President) could be viewed as something significant in and of itself. (3) Big city “ethnic politics” has gone that way in the past – e.g., Catholics overwhelmingly for Smith in 1928 and Kennedy in 1960 when it was the first chance but a big yawn of apathy for Kerry 44 years later. // Post-jubilation: Obama might be a skilled politician like Kennedy for the Democrats OR a disappointment to blacks who will continue to lag economically in America (naturally to be blamed on “racism”) OR , also like Kennedy, a martyr.

  2. Ernie

    I am sick and tired of the racist label. It is part of the human condition to prefer people who act like yourself. That is not racism.

    What I am not is a BIGOT. I am a mix of most of the shades of white European people, and I was a delegate for Alan Keyes in the 2000 election. I have “associated” with lovely Latina ladies in the past and much liked them. Some of my closest friends years ago were Indians (the American aboriginal type).

    I am extremely tired of the bigotry of the Jeremiah Wrights, the Louis Farrakahns, and the Jesse Jacksons of the world, as well as the condescending concealed bigotry of the affirmative action liberals of the world. So, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, I voted against your Robert Mugabe policy stances and pray you accomplish none of them.

    [When it comes to inflating the currency, Bush is more like Mugabe, so far.–IM]

  3. Gringo_Malo

    Your conclusion is a truly frightening thought. I have always rejected the idea of emigration to Australia, Canada, or Europe because their taxes are outrageously high and one can’t own a gun there. Under Obammunist rule, however, those considerations might become moot.

  4. Steve Stip

    Well, let’s see what Obama does for “his” people. Will he eliminate jailing people for victimless crimes such as drug use? Will he allow black children to escape crummy government schools?

  5. Myron Pauli

    To Ernie: Your post shows that you need to be shipped to a leftist college for some “re-education”! Supporting Alan Keyes (or Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, Thomas Sowell, …) makes you a bigot since Keyes et al. are not, in the “politically correct” sense, black just as Ilana Mercer and Sarah Palin are not women [darn right we are, wink, wink]! Nevertheless, the next few years should be a renaissance for the Gospel of Victimization even if the Victim-in-Chief is also our President!

  6. Alex

    Today was an interesting day in my political science class. If you have been following my journey through this course, Ilana, you might find my comments and the events somewhat disturbing.

    Much in the same way I felt defeated after arguing with my overbearing professor (not afraid, though; I’m wierdly indifferent to professors these days. Seems like they are all obtuse) I felt defeated in class. I was so angry and at the same time surprised at what was taking place that I did not even say a single word.

    One of the main reasons why I dislike liberals and feminists so much is their performative contradictions. Currently we are seeing something like this on a massive scale.

    After the gushing of Obama’s victory, our professor talked at length why the Republicans are going the way of the dodo.

    After the cheers from our (minority) students, one of them stated that it was ‘about time that someone other than white slave owners governed this country!’ After this, he praised Karl Marx as having ‘some good ideas’, chief among them public schooling.

    I was so furious with the obvious racism being displayed that I just sat quietly.

    Do people even hear themselves think? I remember the arguments in class over having a first black president. ‘It would be great and historical for minorities, especially black people.’

    Speaking out aloud can often make sense of your thoughts. This logic comes under some horrible problems when this is the case; discriminating against a candidate because he is black is wrong, and electing him because he is black is good.. and… what?

    This person, and people who think like him (which is apparently my professor as well), have no appreciation for the amazing intellectual and moral contributions that those ‘dumb, slave owning whites’ had. What can Obama claim against a Jefferson? against a Madison? against Lord Acton? against Bastiat? Or the towering, magnificent Ludwig von Mises? Nothing. He is an empty vessel, no more the wise in how the world works, or should work, than an infantile child. It’s no wonder he has an idealistic view that is out of touch with reality; like children, people who don’t understand basic economics and ethics think of the world as a fantasy ride where we can make things happen according to the ‘will of the people’.

    In a previous comment I posted, I poked fun at people who voted for Pat Buchanan, because I feel that the man is economically ignorant (and he is.)

    However, his book, ‘Death of the West‘, is remarkably prescient in terms of how he sees the coming end to the idea of Western civilization as we know it. Mass unrestricted immigration by people, like my classmate, who have no concept of individual liberty (or indeed laws of property since they have no problem trampling the private property of others in their ‘right’ to become legal citizens by illegal acts) are called BARBARIANS. We cannot accept people like this and think that they will understand basic ideas of right or wrong, and accordingly, we cannot expect that their sympathizers will, either.

    What we are seeing is racism and barbarianism on a scale that I have not ever seen in American politics. The country is so far gone, that discussing views is perhaps not viable; we are dealing with people that are either suffering from a mild case of mass schizophrenia, or histrionic personality disorder.

    Weep for joy? Only if you’re crazy.

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