UPDATED: ‘You Can’t Fix Stupid’

Affirmative Action,Barack Obama,Debt,Economy,Government,Intelligence,Political Philosophy,Reason,Socialism,Taxation


The following is from my new, WND column, “You Can’t Fix Stupid”:

“How stupid is President Barack Hussein Obama? Let me count the ways.

Judging from the philosophical pose he struck during Wednesday’s “debt-reduction” address, the president is so stupid as to believe that the “rugged individualism,” “self-reliance,” and “healthy skepticism of too much government”—all qualities he attributed to the American people in that speech — can survive in the shadow of his government.

During his two years in office, Mr. Obama has accrued more debt than any president in American history. Why, in the month of March alone, his souped-up civil servants spent eight times what they collected in tax receipts and revenues.

For every year their honcho has been in office, the Obama officials have devoured over a trillion dollars, and will put Americans in hock to the tune of $1 trillion in interest payments alone, by the end of this decade, if not sooner.

How stupid is our president? So stupid as to believe that the governmental juggernaut over which he presides is what connects us a nation, and ensures that “we … do together what we cannot do as well for ourselves.”

How stupid is Obama? So stupid as to believe that America became a great country in 1935, which is when the earliest of the Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security entitlements was signed into law. Dummy did, after all, declare yesterday that, “We would not be a great country without [these programs]”? …

… But, as Ron White, that great satirist from the great State of Texas, teaches, ‘You can’t fix stupid.’

‘There is not a pill you can take, not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever.'”

Read the complete column, “You Can’t Fix Stupid,” now on WND.COM.

UPDATE (April 15): An Ivy-League education is increasingly not indicative of intelligence. What with affirmative action, one can hardly assume that Obama’s admission to these institutions bodes well for his IQ. It certainly does nothing of the sort for his wife’s; anyone who has read her graduation thesis will confirm what I’m saying. This effort is written on a high-school level. Obama’s transcripts remain well-concealed. Despite being appointed as an editor for the Harvard Law Review, Obama has never written a serious jouranl article for this publication.

Obama’s easy passage through this country’s finest schools shows just how worthless these once-proud institutions have become, and how worthwhile it is to be a privileged minority. (Or, in the case of Bush, McCain’s mindless daughter, and the likes—to belong to an American political dynasty.)

By the way, I agree that BHO has the cunning of a fox. But that’s a far cry from the brilliance with which he has been credited.

19 thoughts on “UPDATED: ‘You Can’t Fix Stupid’

  1. boydr

    I beg to differ. Observing his “look down his nose at the peasants” look, I don’t think he says these things because he’s stupid. I think he says these things because he thinks we are.

  2. LizardLips

    Yes, Ilana, he’s stupid, clever at times but stupid(most tools are)and we should beware the havoc wreaked by stupid people in large numbers but, when my synapses begin firing randomly(as they sometimes do)I find solace in the fact that having so many stupid people around can in fact make me feel smarter. Sometimes it’s the little things in life that bring the most joy.

  3. Ralph

    Well said !!
    The horrible behavior of most of these thieves is simply not excuseable.

    I value greatly your ability to clearly articulate the jumbled thoughts many of us have, but are unable to express.

  4. james huggins

    Woo hoo! You go girl. Yes, Obama is a fool but I fear he is dumb like a fox, or else his handlers, whoever they might be are. The sad thing is that there are so many other fools out there who vote for this trash. I don’t mean the usual suspects. I don’t mean the blacks the communists the homosexuals the big unions or the great mobs of empty headed students and their faculties. You know, the usual democrat power base. I mean the millions of non thinking citizens who fall for his line of bovine excrement when they should know better. The only thing more embarrassing than watching what Obama and his minions, in both parties, are doing to the country is the fact that we actually have permitted this bunch to get power over us.

  5. Ray

    Memo to Erudites

    “A New Dawn”

    When I awoke this glorious morn
    I learned a great new word
    The delightful and colloquial “gorm”
    In the context of absurd

    To wit: the Erudite Ilana
    Filled to the lovely brim with ‘gorm’
    Steamed in her Friday, verbal sauna
    To cleanse our intellectual pores
    (her norm)

    Plumbing depths this unprecedented
    In The UnPresident so informless
    Requires verbiage nouveau
    Wondrous words like ‘gormless’

    So Stupid rules the day for now
    From sea to shining sea
    ‘Twas a grey and chilly day indeed
    The morning ‘gormless’ dawned on me

    “Stupid is as stupid does”
    –Forrest Gump

    Thanks again Ilana!

  6. Bike Bubba

    Good points–my only response is that with his Ivy League degrees, history as a lawyer, and masterful manipulation of the media, I cannot consider him to be a dummy. Rather, I can consider him to be either willfully ignorant or worse yet, malign.

    In other words, he’s that Hebrew word generally translated “fool,” meaning not slow of mind, but rather morally inept.

    [See comment posted.]

  7. George Pal

    Obama, a lifelong sinecurean, has still a way to go to achieve the blue-ribbon stupid exhibited by those who think it smart to fawn after stupid.

  8. Alex

    Ilana, I seriously doubt that he is stupid. I strongly believe all he does is very well planned and thought out. Unfortunately the voters led the government to think that what they’ve been doing to this country for the past if not 100, then definitely 75 years, is OK by them. The politicians of both parties are getting away with precisely as much as we let them get away with. No more, no less.

  9. Greg

    Great column! It’s nice to see someone comment about Ivy League education. Many of the politicians in Washington who have helped create our nations problems are graduates of Ivy League schools. Many of the crooks on Wall Street are Ivy League graduates. What would you expect of schools that teach Marxist philosophy and to hate America. Some of these people may have high IQ’s, but they lack common sense and don’t understand human nature.

  10. Jennifer

    Hey Bike Bubba, good to see you here.

    Another excellent article, Ilana. I’ll keep it handy in case one of Obama’s exasperating supporters asks what’s so wrong with him. The last thing we need is his big dream government; rather we need a smaller, smarter government that gets its head out from between its knees and starts acting like the US again.

  11. Randy Sanders

    What I am afraid of is that there ARE a great many stupid people out there, and Obama is helping Darwinian principles along on purpose. In other words, eugenics. But like you, and Ron White said, you can’t fix stupid. So, I am afraid, they will die, slowly and horribly.

  12. CompassionateFascist

    I wouldn’t be too hard on Zero. Only way to reset the System is to crash it altogether. And that, he will do…just keep watching the rising silver price and falling dollar curves; when they intersect, goodbye USA INC., hello Civil War II. All sorts of outstanding problems will then be resolved.

  13. Fred Mueller

    There are many things that make someone “stupid.” The unwillingness to admit they’re ever wrong is right up there near the top of the list. Possibly number 1. From there on down are such things as inconsideration and lack of sympathy for others, refusal to hear or consider all the facts, jumping to conclusions, little or no respect for other’s opinions, believing that you’re much wiser and more intelligent than you really are (or trying to make others think you are), and on and on.

    But the really stupid people are those who make public statements that are being heard and recorded by millions of people, then insist they never made those statements, or they “misspoke.” They do this because they believe most of US are ignorant, gullible, illiterate and… stupid. We don’t really count in the grand scheme of things. We’re all just “useless eaters.” However, all of us dumb chow-hounds are proving once again that the “elites” are as wrong as ever.

    This brings us to the incredibly stupid who never learn from the past. They think this time will be the charm. This time it will work. They think they have so many of us dumbed-down by now that we’ll just limp off into our caves where we’ll scratch and grunt and lick our wounds while they kill us off by the millions. They never learn their lesson from history, and therefore they are doomed to repeat it, apparently forever. Unfortunately, many innocents will suffer at their hands, but they will eventually lose again. They always do and they always will.

  14. Stephen Bernier

    Several years ago, I watched the movie “Idiocracy”. We as a people are at the point where like the movie we are so dumbed down, that we will go after whoever (or is it whomever?) gets our attention is a superficial way. “Every time I hear him speak, I get a thrill up my leg”. Chris Matthews, MSNBC

    If you haven’t seen the movie, I recommend it. It is moronic, idiotic, moral relativistic, but a good rendition of where we are as a nation.

    [Actually, “idiocracy” is the best satire written in recent years, so not “moronic.”—IM]

  15. sunny black

    What has he done that would make anyone think he has the cunning of a fox?? He knows how to exploit white liberal guilt to his benefit. But that’s not cunning. That’s something most minorities like myself recognize after spending 5 minutes around liberal academia; learning what they like and how to push their buttons.

    I haven’t seen an instance where Obama has outmaneuvered or outflanked anyone. The fact that he defeated Bill and Hillary Clinton — two legitimately clever politicos — IS impressive. But I chalk that up to overconfidence and underestimating on the part of the Clintons.

    The most impressive thing Obama has accomplished to date was getting the divorce records of that Illinois senate candidate out into the public. That was shrewd. If anything Obama puts his foot in his mouth more often than not. But here’s the kicker: a truly cunning individual would know not to rely on a teleprompter for every syllable. If Obama were truly cunning he’d know not to make these fights so personal.


  16. Stephen Bernier

    I only used “moronic” because the characters came across to me, moronic. My mistake. The movie is as you say the best “satire” written in years.

    I guess I was trying to make the point that as a nation, we the people, act like the characters in Idiocracy.

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