Your Republican Reptile In Action

Ethics,Etiquette,Individual Rights,Internet,Private Property,Republicans,Ron Paul,The State


Fredrick Ray Hartman, a DC-based statist Republican, in the employ of the government, had petitioned me for Facebook Friendship (not the other way around).

On getting notice of my Facebook Policy, he writes furiously:

“don’t send people [note the royal plural] a copy of facebook policies again…you are being deleted…..i was your friend ditto… removing you from my friends list…..i tried to friend you from another wall and you had the gull [sic] to respond with a facebook policy note….you don’t know your friends i guess…..good luck”

Your Republican politician (or aspiring overlord) in action.

And OMG! What will I do without these Republican faithful “pals” of mine, of whom I have none, as they deserted me on September 19, 2002, when I wrote this op-ed for the Globe & Mail, one of Canada’s national newspapers.

Let me remind Hartman and his ilk (statist, power-hungry Republicans, whom we libertarians disavow) that he was the one to petition me for Facebook Friendship, not the other way around. This statist and I (a long-time paleolibertarian) have nothing in common.

This conduct is a taste of what you should expect from your reptilian Republican in office, should you demand that he comply with YOUR rules, enacted on your turf, or property.

This is the chance of all like-minded Republicans on this Wall to join Fredrick Ray Hartman; Unfriend me please.

Ron Paul for president.

4 thoughts on “Your Republican Reptile In Action

  1. Rebel Without a Clause

    Facebook funnies. I also was at one time be-friended, then un-friended by Ilana. House of Pain! And Ron Paul for County dogcatcher: he sold out in order to secure Jr.’s political career. Pathetic.

  2. Robert Glisson

    Be happy he got his knickers in a twist. I have a Republican on my Facebook, two to six postings a day, most about Obama and how he’s leading us on the road to Communism. You don’t want your comments section overloaded. Which must have been his aim; because, he objected to what I consider nothing. He thought he had another hate monger and learned you were one of those despicable Libertarians. Ooh; wring hands in disgust. Put a block up.

  3. My RON PAUL i

    I got defriended when (on the all-important topic of gay marriage), I voiced that as far as I was concerned, people could marry their toasters! This lack of respect for the hallowed institution got me booted – but then so what, everyone should have sovereignty over their Facebook pages subject only to the rules or whims of Facebook itself.

    As for “libertarian conservatives” – yes, there may be issues in which the two agree (e.g. Fidel Castro is bad) but the term is basically contradictory. Sadly, either word has been distorted beyond all semblance of meaning.

    The difference between a libertarian and a Republican (to the extent that the words have definition) is that the former views politics as a means to stand for principles and the latter views politics as a means to exercise power. Romneycare and Leave-No-Child-Behind are perfect examples of the Republican agenda. Republicanism, at its most appealing, is statism coated with anti-statist rhetoric (especially when Democrats are “in power”).

    Rand Paul has struck me for a long time as a mixed bag – a sort of Schodinger’s Cat attempting to be two different things at the same time:

    [Sadly, I have to agree with you. Do find and post his “bridge-building” chat with the CNN Bimbo Who Holds Out For Socialism.]

    I call myself a “Grover Cleveland DEMOCRAT”.

  4. Nick

    Some Republicans on my facebook feed will spew visceral tirades against President Obama, Pelosi and Reid, but they’re likely to ram a shotgun up my rectum if I even hint that Obama is merely a juiced version of George W. Bush. And don’t even get me started on the Jesus boys.

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