Updated: White South African Granted Asylum In Canada

Canada,Conservatism,Crime,Criminal Injustice,Democracy,IMMIGRATION,Republicans,South-Africa


He was called a “white dog” and a “settler” by his black countrymen, and was attacked seven times by said people, including three stabbings inflicted during muggings and robberies. Then he moved to Canada, which has granted him refugee status. Now “Brandon Huntley, 31, originally from Cape Town, South Africa” gets to live where his life will not be imperiled daily.

The British Telegraph reports on this landmark case: “It is thought to be the first time a white South African man has been granted refugee status in Canada claiming he was the victim of black aggression.”

“‘I find that the claimant would stand out like a ‘sore thumb’ due to his colour in any part of the country,’ tribunal panel chair William Davis was quoted as saying.”

The Ottawa Sun reveals more than the British paper is prepared to:

The decision also took into account testimony by Laura Kaplan, 41, the sister of Huntley’s lawyer, who immigrated to Canada last year from her native South Africa.

Laura Kaplan testified about being threatened by armed black South Africans and the torture of her brother Robert in 1997 when a gang of black men broke into his house, tortured him for eight hours, shot him three times and left him for dead.

Davis said the evidence of Huntley and Laura Kaplan “show a picture of indifference and inability or unwillingness” of the South African government to protect “White South Africans from persecution by African South Africans.”

Reuters is quick to second the “The African National Congress’ response: “The ANC views the granting by Canada of a refugee status to South African citizen Brandon Huntley on the grounds that Africans would ‘persecute’ him, as racist,’ the party said in a statement.”

That’s rich. The sadistic atrocities described in this article could not possibly be a manifestation of seething racial hatred, now could they?

On the status of mercy in America I quote the American Renaissance: “there has been a trickle of South Africans applying for asylum in the United States on the grounds of racial persecution. Almost all have been deported.”

Update (Sept. 2): The Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, are least likely to feel sympathy for the plight of South African whites.

Here’s a relevant excerpt from my book, © Into the Cannibals’ Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa:

Ronald Reagan favored ‘constructive engagement’ with South Africa, together with a tough resistance to communist advances in the Third World. But political pressure, not least from the Republican majority, mounted for an increasingly punitive stance toward Pretoria. This entailed an ‘elaborate sanctions structure,’ disinvestment, and a prohibition on sharing intelligence with the South Africans.

For advocating ‘constructive engagement,’ members of his Republican party issued a coruscating attack on Reagan. Senator Lowell P. Weicker Jr., in particular, stated: ‘For this moment, at least, the President has become an irrelevancy to the ideals, heartfelt and spoken, of America.’ Republicans had slipped between the sheets with the fashionable left.

The radical Republicans like to forget how completely conservative Reagan was about forcing change in South Africa. Conservative and wise. There is not one Republican, bar Ron Paul, who is as weary of democracy and mass society as was Reagan.

10 thoughts on “Updated: White South African Granted Asylum In Canada

  1. H Engelbrecht

    I am sure you can imagine the uproar this has caused in SA. Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. The mainstream media, even the Afrikaans newspapers already referred to it as ridiculous.

    My bet is that the ruling will not stand for long. It is bound to be reviewed sooner than later, when of course a new ruling will be made in line with “mainstream thought”.

    I was tempted to say that at least now the world will see the truth about SA. However I suspect they probably already know the truth (perhaps not the extent thereof), but refuse to acknowledge it.
    Afrikaners never received assistance from the rest of the world in the past(no assistance after the Anglo Boer War for example – compare to Germany and the Marshall-plan), and I doubt they will receive any assistance now, particularly in the current global political climate. Not that we expect any, one has to search far and wide to find a more “hardegat” (defiant) nation anywhere.

  2. M. B. Moon

    “The ANC views the granting by Canada of a refugee status to South African citizen Brandon Huntley on the grounds that Africans would ‘persecute’ him, as racist,’ the party said in a statement.”

    ANC, bite me!

    Ilana, at least I know you will publish this!

  3. JP Strauss

    A quick poll on news24.com, our largest online news site, suggests that roughly 70% of respondents are in full support of Mr. Huntly’s efforts, while the other 30% are divided roughly equally between those who think he is “exploiting Canada’s immigration system” or “setting a dangerous precedent”. see results here.

    At least this shows that 70% of those who are considered “middleclass” are capable of assimilating available data and coming to a logical conclusion. I find it appalling that the USA would deport people who are not only being persecuted, but are actually among the most hard-working on the entire planet. Surely you could use a “few good men”? Or maybe it’s because your government knows that my kinsmen will almost certainly vote Republican if given citizenship. If any Republicans are reading this, you might want to consider the benefits of an extra 1 000 000 odd votes. Just saying.

  4. Robert Glisson

    We Americans have a reputation for meddling in other nations and being inhospitable as well.
    7-8-1853, US Commodore Matthew Perry steamed into Tokyo Harbor with four warships and ordered Japan to open to trade with the West as a part of American Imperialism.
    In the late 1930’s a ship loaded with European Jews, fled Germany and sought asylum in the Americas. The US Virgin Islands sent them an invitation to move there, however Franklin D. Roosevelt denied permission for the ship to dock in US waters and after being rebuffed by all the rest of North and South America, returned to Europe. I have no idea of what became of them.
    In our defense, I can offer the story that during the Korean Conflict; our fleet transported a whole village from North Korea to South Korea as an act of charity.
    Otherwise our history of taking in refugees is very spotty. We did take a lot of Vietnamese and Cubans. Political asylum though is not one of our strong suits, despite the lady on Eilis Island. If someone says that we deported white South Africans, then it’s probably true. Sometimes national pride is hard to scrounge up.

  5. JP Strauss

    What gets me more than anything else is that we share so many common ancestors and that even our histories are remarkably similar, yet the general opinion is that we are at opposite ends of some mystical chess board. Maybe it’s because we show solidarity with Israel?

    [No; if you were black and pro-Israel, you’d be in.]

  6. Bob Harrison

    If this sets a precedent, Canada might see a massive inflow of white refugees from South Africa. If they know what’s good for them, they will let them all in (seems unlikely). Over a million whites have already left ZA since the ANC took power, where have they been going? It seems like white South Africans have a harder time emigrating than any other group. The first million that left were simply the best qualified and richest so they had the requirements to get into otherwise uncooperative western (sic) nations. I’ve heard that Australia has become home to most of (the surviving) Rhodesians and many South Africans. Ilana, you have insight into this issue that others don’t and I always look forward to getting the truth about this part of the world from you, God knows we won’t hear it from the mass media.
    PS Isn’t Canada kind of cold for South Africans? [Not for me; I cannot abide the heat.]

  7. Mark

    Frankly, the civilized white and black population of South Africa needs to declare its independence from the ANC. As bad as the former government policies were, the current anti-white mob rule is far, far worse.

  8. Reuben

    Ilana, would it be possible for you to ask the lawyer involved in this case to comment on it here on your blog? I am sure others can benefit, after all, the easiest path through any minefield is in the footsteps of those who have gone before you, and getting out of South Africa is very tough.

    [I don’t know him. But feel free to pursue it. If you search the blog archives under “South Africa” and “Immigration,” you will find some advice. But, you are right, it’s not easy.]

  9. Michel Cloutier

    Latest news from your friend in the Great White North: the Canadian government has asked its Refugee board to ‘review’ the case of Mr.Huntley, responding to diplomatic pressure from South Africa. Ouch, that must hurt ! Claiming eternal victim status means there must exist eternal oppressors to ask retribution from. Just too many people have vested interests in this system to allow for the existence of white victims. We Canadians prefer our refugees to be more like Leon Mugesera, one of the instigators of the massacre in Rwanda. He was finally deported back to his home country after inflicting his loathsome presence on us for 12 years.

  10. Why We Are White Refugees

    WwAwR: Why we Are white Refugees is a joint project, by various RSA bloggers, and concerned individuals….

    (a) LETTERS: Emails/Letters sent to Canadian, or South African Officials;
    (b) NEWS ARTICLES: White Refugee Main Stream News Stories;
    (c) BLOGGER OPEDS: Blogger OpEd Opinions on White Refugee Issues,
    (d) REFERENCE: White Refugee Supporting Documentation…..

    If you have written a letter to a Canadian Official, on the Huntley White Refugee issue, please email us a copy, so that we can put it in the letter database.

    Email it to: jmc.pa.tf.white-refugee@gmail.com

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