UPDATED: IRS Survivors (Fleeing Police State USA)

Founding Fathers,Ilana Mercer,Law,Liberty,Natural Law,Taxation


Writer Christopher Sandford describes his interactions with the Internal Revenue Service as “dealing with a simultaneously incompetent and psychotically aggressive opponent.” “What is beyond a doubt is that our relentlessly progressive and humanely empathetic leader had done precious little for the rights of those of us who find ourselves caught in the spokes of his infernal government machinery. Indeed, he and his government myrmidons have frequently spoken of their intention to pursue the allegedly noncompliant taxpayer to the very brink of that unhappy individuals’ endurance and sanity. That most certainly is part of Obama’s record.” (Writing in the April issue of Chronicles Magazine.)

“Think the IRS can’t send you to prison?,” warns CBS’ Survivor winner Richard Hatch in a timely television commercial. “The IRS sends people to prison and they’re not celebrities. If you owe the IRS $10,000 or more, call for your free tax consultation NOW. Listen, I went to prison for over four years, and you don’t want to,” Hatch tells potential victims.

The US government exercises a brutal tax-enforcement regimen. As a police state, it regularly finds citizens guilty of crimes absent the intent to commit a crime—the legal imperative of mens rea.

The “taxpayer,” compliant or not, however, must accurately be described as an innocent, non-aggressive property owner, who has the natural right to keep what he has worked for, or what was voluntarily bequeathed to him.

In the case of the so-called “non-compliant” victim of this armed and dangerous syndicate—the state—his actions have been criminalized, even though his alleged crime, more often than not, was unintentional; he did not mean to “deprive” his masters of the spoils of his labor.

Going by Thomas Jefferson, we live under tyranny, for as this founder said, “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

UPDATED (April 17): Fleeing Police State USA. Special Report: Tax time pushes some Americans to take a hike.

8 thoughts on “UPDATED: IRS Survivors (Fleeing Police State USA)

  1. Redman

    As said earlier by another, the central govt. is a gang of thieves writ large. However, most folks operate under a false paradigm, .i.e, that earnings derived from activities in the private sector by embedded workers in common occupations fall under the taxing authority of the central govt. (IRS). See losthorizons.com for the facts, history and law and free yourself from this scam.

  2. Rebel Without a Clause

    Yes, I’m sending the IRS a fair chunk of money in a few hours. And it isn’t because I think I owe it to “society”; it’s pure visceral fear. After CW II, no more income tax or IRS: flat-rate national consumption tax, with food, shelter, clothing exempted. Why any tax at all, you say? I must have my carrier battle-groups, and other Man Toys.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    I examined every check I wrote since 2001 (and looked at earlier receipts) because I sold my house. I had to research stock prices from 1975 when my mother bought me a few shares every year of some stock. I went through about 100 different items I donated to charity on Turbo Tax to estimate the value of my non-cash contributions. I had to try my daughter with and without the standard deduction. I had to do a “Qualified Dividends and Capital Gains Worksheet” 5 times because of my daughter’s unearned income (mostly “bank interest” at below inflation interest rates that, in turn, gets “taxed” by these thieves). Because Turbo Tax did not recognize last year’s tax return, I had to find that and put it in by hand. And then there is last year’s estimated tax, refund applied to 2012 estimated tax, and estimated tax. This might be fine for Mitt Romney who has enough money to have a full time financial hack but for me it was several weeks of stress and 200 pages of Turbo Tax printouts.
    And Anna seemed to have a 70% marginal tax rate due to the way deductions phase in and out.


  4. My RON-PAUL i

    By the way, although the “liberal” Bidens earned twice as much as I did, I donated about 8 times as much to charity!! So much for the great compassion of Joe and Jill.

    [And you are also a great patron of the work done on these site. In addition to being the Best Single Dad too.]

  5. Anonymous

    (Note to host Ms Mercer: I’d prefer to remain anonymous on this post for obvious reasons.)

    The IRS is well aware that the Sixteenth Amendment was a response to the Pollack decision of 1895 by the Supreme Court and never gave the IRS the right to collect a direct tax against any state citizen’s wages that is not apportioned. Apportioned means collected in proportion to population which the income tax on wages clearly is not.

    Our founders thought direct taxes led to tyranny. The Stamp Act, a direct tax, was one of the reasons for the Revolutionary War. That is why they put in the constitution the restriction in two separate places that direct taxes must be apportioned. The Sixteenth Amendment as written does not overturn this restriction because “tax income from any source derived” legally defines an type of indirect tax. The Supreme Court has ruled as such. That is why wages and income are two entirely different things in the Internal Revenue Code. However, the code is written in such a way to make this fact obscure to the average taxpayer. The internal revenue code is actually a legal rebate system required of federal employees. They are required to give back a portion of their wages to the federal government. This requirement for them is dishonestly applied to private state citizens.

    When you sign your 1040 form you give the IRS jurisdiction over you. They gladly accept your offer. Learn at losthorizons.com with additional information at anti-irs.com how not to give the IRS jurisdiction over you. There are numerous examples of citizen correspondence with the IRS at losthorizons.com with refund checks that demonstrate that state citizens don’t have to pay income taxes.

    Funding the gangsterism of the federal government is morally wrong. Stop doing it. You don’t have to.

  6. Redman

    Anonymous is dead on correct! However, what is in play here is the prevailing paradigm of “follow the sheep”; all these folks can’t be wrong about federal taxes. Really? Like WMD’s in Iraq, a single bullet for JFK, Pearl Harbor was a surprise attach, the earth is flat, etc. It isn’t what you don’t know that causes you pain; it’s what you know for sure that just isn’t true. Federal income taxes for earnings derived from activities of common occupations by embedded workers in the private sector are just such a case!

    How far we have strayed from knowing the facts and our wealth is destroyed from a lack of knowledge.

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous again please Ms Mercer.

    Thanks for the support, Redman. I think Mark Twain made your point most succinctly when he said,”It’s not what we don’t know that hurts us but, what we think we do but don’t.”

    Human beings are compulsive explanation machines. We constantly try to explain what we see in our environment and then believe our explanations. We see lots of people paying income taxes. Conclude the explanation is that people are required to pay income taxes. Then don’t question our incorrect as it turns out explanation.

    It reminds me of the old joke about the Indian Chief and the weatherman.

    A new Indian chief is approached by his tribe in the early fall who want to know if it will be a cold winter and whether they should collect a lot of fire wood. The Indian chief doesn’t know but, to be on the safe side says yes it’s going to be a cold winter. The tribe begins collecting firewood.

    After a month the chief realizes he could just check with the national weather service. When he does the man on the phone says they are predicting a cold winter.

    The chief goes back to his tribe and tells them to collect even more firewood. They continue collecting for another month.

    The Indian chief decides to check if the forecast has changed. The weatherman tells him they are now predicting a very cold winter. So, the Indian chief goes back to his tribe and tells them to collect even more firewood.

    Finally its early December and the Indian chief decides to check the forecast one more time. The weatherman tells him that they are now predicting one of the coldest winters on record. The Indian chief says,”Really. How can you be so sure?”

    The weatherman says,”Are you kidding? The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy!”

    The principle illustrated here is why you believe you have to pay income taxes on your wages.

    Stop being as unquestioning as the Indian and the weatherman. Learning the proper process at losthorizons.com takes no more than 40-60 hours. The return on investment over years of no income tax is huge. Then you can laugh at the IRS as well as hopefully my joke.

    By the way, the IRS loses often in court when people assert their rights but, our leftist media don’t report it because they support income taxes. They only report on fools that lose because they don’t do their research. You conclude since you don’t hear about people beating the IRS on principle that it must not occur–compulsive explanation machine that you are.

  8. Redman

    Sam Clements may have been first; I heard it from Uncle Remus (Joel Chandler Harris): it ain’t what you knows that puts a hurtin on you, it’s what you knows for sure that just aIn’t so that does it.

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