America’s Sick of Obama’s Racial Dog-Whistles

Barack Obama,Crime,Donald Trump,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Race,Racism


“America’s Sick of Obama’s Racial Dog-Whistles” is the current column, now on Please share widely. An excerpt:

Just wait. In the fullness of time, Donald J. Trump will be blamed for “creating the atmosphere” that led to the Texas cop massacre of July 7.

However, at least by the same standards applied to Mr. Trump, Barrack Hussein Obama should be fingered for encouraging Micah Xavier Johnson to “shoot a dozen Dallas police officers, killing five.”

Is it unreasonable to conclude that the not-so-subaudible dog-whistle emitted by Obama, a day prior, must have reached mass murderer Johnson and might have spurred his actions?

Issued from Poland, of all places, Obama had lamented the recent “police shooting deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota,” saying that these “should trouble all Americans,” as they “reflect deep-seated racial disparities in the U.S. criminal justice system.”

Conveniently, on July 9, Obama was quick to issue a different ruling: “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” he declared, post Dallas. As his objective, Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson stated “he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” Yet the disjunction promoted by this dreadful cur of a president has been that white-on-black criminal acts are indicative of root-and-branch racism; not the obverse.

Collective guilt for thee, but not for me.

Obama’s impulse has been to unite himself with Black America against White America. He has thus been quick to insert himself into each high-profile altercation between African Americans and the police, always on the side of his black constituents.

He first assumed the role of president of Black America, by berating the Cambridge police in the case of Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Helped by his cabbie, Gates was seen forcing the front door to his home. To their detriment, Sgt. James Crowley and Officer James Figueroa rushed to the rescue, only to be cursed out by Gates on arrival for their alleged racial bias. Obama completed the job no decent person would do by subjecting the two officers to a national racial ramrodding. They acted stupidly, he told the country.

In 2012, the president famously hastened to say this about a slain black teenager, who had been first to aggress against his terrified killer: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.” A reductio ad absurdum of that meme has now surfaced on Twitter. Reads a caption appended to an image of black murderer du jour Johnson: “If president Obama had a son, he’d look like Micah Xavier Johnson.” …

“America’s Sick of Obama’s Racial Dog-Whistles” is the current column, on