For Once, Trump Surrogate Gets Aggressive With Mainstream Media’s Megalo-Megyn

Donald Trump,Feminism,Media,Propaganda


“I’m sick and tired of people like YOU using inflammatory indefensible language. You cannot defend calling Donald Trump a ‘sexual predator.’ When you use the words ‘sexual predator, you took an indefensible position. You are fascinated with sex and don’t care about public policy.”Newt Gingrich to Megyn Kelly.

Punished on June 29, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” covers the destructive role played by showgirl Megyn Kelly in anti-Trump feminist agitprop.

I’ve also covered how, instead of hitting the enemy with brute force; Trump’s chosen surrogates, with few exceptions, have worked harder to ingratiate themselves on CNN or MSNBC hosts.

A bully needs to be brutalized back.

Via Gateway Pundit:

Megyn Kelly: he had a rough first debate. He took the bait on Alicia Machado. He stayed in that trap for a week. The Access Hollywood tape came out. Which was not produced by Hillary Clinton. (Does she have proof of that?) That was Trump on camera talking…

Newt Gingrich: Megyn, I just heard you go through this with Governor Pence. I get it. I know where you’re coming from. Let me point out something to you. The three major networks spent 23 minutes attacking Donald Trump that night and 57 seconds Hillary Clinton’s secret speeches. You don’t think this is a scale of bias worthy of Pravda and Izvestia?

Megyn Kelly: If Trump is a sexual predator that is…

Newt Gingrich: He’s not a sexual predator.

Megyn Kelly: OK that’s your opinion.

Newt Gingrich: You cannot defend that statement…

Megyn Kelly: I think your defensiveness on this may speak volumes, sir.