Fox News Entertains Liberals To Dis The Donald

Barack Obama,Crime,Donald Trump,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Republicans,South-Africa


Since Trump dared to question the “Intelligence Community,” anti-Trumpism on Fox News is amping-up.

On July 18, “The Story” with Martha Maccallum entertained a notoriously rabid leftist, Michael Isikoff, to froth about POTUS’ solid diplomacy in Helsinki. Isikoff wrote a Russia-conspiracy book with Mother Jones’ David Corn, who is even more radical than his co-author, Isikoff.

After entertaining one leftist (Isikoff) to dis The Donald, “The Story” then invited another liberal, Jonah Goldberg, to agree with yet a third liberal, Barack Obama.

Obama has complained that strongmen are ascendant. He did so, of all places, in … South Africa, where the soil is soaked with the blood of martyrs. Goldberg, being a neocon-cum-liberal, agreed.

I ask you, who is hopelessly detached from political and existential realities?