President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby

Critique,Democrats,Donald Trump,Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim


“President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby” is the current column, now on The Daily Caller. And excerpt:

Donald Trump is the gift that keeps giving. The week is still in its infancy, but the president has already made Chucky Schumer cry, fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates within hours of her acting up, and caused the Forgotten Man to go even harder for their president. This Trump accomplished by inadvertently exposing the Democrats as firmly in the camp of Hollywood harridans, tech execs, the immigration lawyers lobby, the global refugee industry; and in the grip of the international human rights octopus.

The Democratic constituency can no longer hide. It’s as though all these ghastly people are wearing the pussy dunce-caps adorned by the Madonna and Ashley Judd protesters. …

… Read the rest. The complete column, “President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby,” is now on The Daily Caller.

Related: “About The Republican ‘Facile Argument’ That Obama Halted Immigration. Just Like Trump”